Roots of Obama's Rage: Dinesh DSouza, The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 10,2011

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Dinesh D'Souza, director of the terrific new film "2016," based the movie on the book Roots of Obama's Rage. He joined us to talk about it. I watch so you don't have to, so I endured the insufferable and predicatable recitation of threadbare bumper sticker slogans by Obama's campaign apparatchik with a really bad haircut, David Plouffe. He appeared on all the Sunday shows touting the benefits of ?compromise,? like that ?compromise? about funding America's number one abortion provider Planned Parenthood. What accounts for Obama's hostility toward the idea of American exceptionalism? We asked our special guest Dinesh D'Souza, , whose latest book, Roots of Obama's Rage, attempts to address that question. We also discussed whether B. Hussein Obama is an Article II ?natural born citizen,? eligible to be President of the United States. Would you date a liberal?