"Native Born Citizen?"Don't Think So:The Teri O'Brien Show - Apr 17,2011

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Self-Important Media Gasbag Jon Meacham has a PBS show called "Need to Know," not that anyone would know that because it's broadcast in apparent secrecy. Because I watch so you don't have to, though, I shared his apparent confusion about Article II of the U.S. Constitution. It's "natural born citizen," Jon, not "native born." He must have been in "Professor" Barack Obama's Con Law class. CNN Newsreader John King could use a review of basic civics. He needed Orly Tates to remind him that states conduct elections. A rare moment of agreement between Teri and Jon Stewart, both of whom noticed a temporary lapse in our Sham WOW (Walks on Water) president's legendary erudition. Obama admin buffoon Ray LaHood explains that he won't tolerate an air traffic controller falling asleep on the job. Well, not more than 3 times anyway. Celebutard goof Whoopie Goldberg mocks those who suggest that the "group" who decides that candidates are qualified to run for president didn't notice that he wasn't born in the U.S. "Group?" You mean the Founders and their pesky Constitution? Along with stories about a Playboy model's photo shoot, Mouchelle uses her daughters AGAIN for campaigning. Even better, our troops get to be mascots for Obama 2012!!