Will Obama’s Undoing Be His Social Security Number? - Jul 08,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: This week we'll ask whether Obama's undoing will not be the rotten economy, but his manufactured biography. It's increasingly clear that in 2008 the public was completely had, duped into electing a fictional character. Now, a dogged detective is demanding answers. Will Susan Daniels get the One disqualified from the ballot in Ohio? Of course, we can't depend on Ms. Daniels & the other tireless patriots who have been insisting that Barack Obama is not an Article II ?natural born citizen? to rid our country of the scourge that is the Obama presidency. If you could give Mitt advice, what would you tell him? Perhaps you might suggest that he shouldn't give his LSM enemies the opportunity to incessantly run stories featuring him in his speed boat. In an amazing coincidence, Barack, Michelle & the girls will not be returning to the $30,000-per-week resort on Martha's Vineyard where they have gone the past 3 summers, & he's travelling around Ohio, regaling audiences with stories about childhood vacations spent at Howard Johnson's. These delightful memories are no doubt as true as every other aspect of his amazing life story. Sunday shows with Bobby Jindal and pathetic Debbie Wasserman Schultz