Barack Obama and Other Enemies Within - Sep 16,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: With a little over than 7 weeks to go until Election Day, the Obama flacks who masquerade as journalists, have called the race officially over, based on polls which may or may not have been taken in the newsrooms at CNN, MS-NBC and the New York Times. Clearly, as they try to protect the Dear Reader, they hope that the American people will achieve unprecedented levels of stupidity by failing to connect some ridiculously huge and obvious dots. They claim that the killing of 4 Americans, including the ambassador, in Libya had nothing to do with Obama administration policies, but rather was caused by a ?disgusting and reprehensible? movie. The only problem is that the ?movie,? which is actually only a trailer posted on YouTube, has been up online since July. We are actually supposed to believe that? Seriously? Can it really be a coincidence that the last time an American ambassador was murdered was in 1979? Is it also a coincidence that these Islamic fanatics chose to suddenly discover and express their rage over this video on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks? And what about the anti-Islam filmmaker who donated a million dollars to Barack Obama's campaign? Clearly, the second coming of Jimmy Carter is working out just as well as the first go-round, both in terms of our stagnant economy and our position in the world. Another critically important question: do we really believe that the Obama administration is determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon? Isn't it more likely that, like Madeleine Albright and other Carter re-treads, he laments the fact that the U.S. Is the world's sole superpower? We'll ask our special guest Trevor Loudon, co-author of Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.