Last Night's Nerd Prom, Trayvon Narrative Breaks Down - Apr 29,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Last night's ?nerd prom,? the annual WH Correspondents' Dinner where Lindsay Lohan, Kim Kardashian & George Clooney rubbed elbows with their fellow democrats, both elected & unelected, the latter sometimes called ?journalists." As my Twitter followers know, O's routine was painfully predictable, but you might be surprised at some of the jokes headliner, Jimmy Kimmel, told about the One. Guest, professional comedian &all-around funny guy Tim Slagle, gives us his critique of Obama's and Mr. Kimmel's performances, & share a few of his insights about the issues of the day.Of course, we'll talk about Campaign 2012. Romney campaign must be quaking in its boots now that Team Obama has unleashed one of its most powerful weapons, Joe ?3 Letter Word Jobs? Biden. Reuters has reported that G Zimmerman has ?black roots,? how will that affect the LSM narrative? Do Rev. Al & his fellow race baiters have any complicity in several brutal violent attacks, where perps alleged that they acted because they were seeking ?justice for Trayvon?? An update on the issue of Article II ?natural born citizen.?