Barack's Latest Bold Move Provokes Ugly Racist Attack - Jun 17,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Our Dear Reader very conscious of the fierce urgency of now and the fact that "we can't wait" takes matters into his own hands on immigration. It's not like he didn't try to work within that antiquated system set up by a bunch of irrelevant dead white European men. He gave it a shot, but they didn't pass the law he and Dick Durbin wanted, the DREAM act, so what is he supposed to do? Then, how is he rewarded for decisively doing what only he knows is best for us? By a rude racist rightwing reporter interrupting him, in the Rose Garden! This week's regime mouthpiece: David Plouffe on the Sunday Shows Get me rewrite-for that semi-literate thesis Moochelle wrote at Princeton, celebrating her awesome blackness. It turns out she's got white roots. Advice from Dad