The Truth About What Obama "Inherited:" Prof. John Lott - Mar 18,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: As our economy continues to stagnate despite record levels of debt, & the Obama administration stubbornly pursues policies that suffocate economic growth,he & his surrogates have ramped up their rhetoric, whining that the One cannot be blamed for his failures. ?It's not his fault! It's what he inherited!? they wail.Prof. John Lott has written a new book with Grover Norquist that demolishes these lame attempts to deflect responsibility. He'll join us to discuss Debacle. GOP's ?War on Women? continues. How else can anyone explain their opposition to the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act? ?How can anyone be against violence against women?? the average distracted citizen no doubt thinks. This law isn't about preventing violence against women. It's about doing violence to not only our Constitution, but to securing our borders. How can that be? Listen & find out. More unashamed freeloaders tell you why they, & their ?baby mommas,? deserve free stuff. Will Mitt land a knockout punch in Illinois on Tuesday? We'll ask Eric Kohn of the Chicago Tea Party. Join us Sunday for the rest of the story.