Holder on the Hot Seat, Obama Dazed and Confused - Jun 10,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: After a week of hobnobbing with his fellow celebutards collecting campaign cash, last Friday Barack Obama did a drop in at the White House for a pointless press conference in which he managed to reinforce two perceptions about him. 1st, with his statement that the ?private sector is doing fine,? he proved that the concept of free enterprise is as foreign to him as the concept of bathing is to his friends in the ?Occupy? movement. 2nd, his response to a question re the dangerous leaking of classified national security information that has members of Congress from both parties justifiably livid increased suspicion that he was either involved in, or at least, delighted about them. Now, there are 3 reasons that we can say with certainty that very senior members of his administration, if not Obama himself, are the leakers. Of course, even though our national security has been put at risk, we can all relax now because AG Holder is on the case. Fresh from being grilled by members of Congress over his many changing stories regarding his disgraceful and deadly ?Operation Fast and Furious? gun walking scheme, he appointed 2 U.S. Attorneys to investigate the national security leaks. If there's anyone we can trust more than Mr. Holder, who has made it his mission to sue any state that tries to protect our country's borders or the integrity of the ballot, and who is on the verge of being held in contempt by Congress, I'd like to know who it is. How is David Axelrod involved in the DOJ's "messaging," and how did Axelrod respond when asked about it? We'll hear the sound bites. In a shocking turn of events, there was a document dump from the White House on last Friday. OK, that's not a surprise, but the subject was. What did this latest release reveal about what we were told was going to be the most transparent administration in our nation's history?