The Truth About the Trevon Martin Shooting - Mar 25,2012

The Teri OBrien Show show

Summary: Isn't it amazing how much everybody "knows" about the shooting of Trevon Martin? From Al Sharpton to Jeb Bush, everybody "knows" that the shooter is, at best, "a little off," and at worst, a crazed, racist lunatic bent on murder. But what facts are our media friends not telling us? What did Martin's father say about the cries for help heard on the 911 tape? What was in the police report after the incident about those cries for help? On Friday, I called Obama out for playing the race card, as did former Speaker Newt Gingrich. What did Obama apparatchik David Plouffe, who made the rounds on the Sunday shows, say about that? How did you celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Obamacare? What do the results of yesterday's Louisiana primary say about the presidential race, if anything? We'll ask one of the founders of the Tea Party.