Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Fibber McGee and Molly – Dog License. ep240, 400319 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:09

Billy Mills opens with, I Got Rhythm. Fate approaches 79 Wistful Vista in the form of a man with a sack on his back. The mail man helps dispose of the junk, but what’s the meaning of the registered letter? A penalty awaits, unless Fibber registers his dog. the connection on the phone to city hall is sidetracked by Mirt the operator, and Fibber learns of her Little 10 year old brother came staggeringhome. The trouble is that the McGee’s haven’t had a dog for 7 years. On the way to city hall, Teeny lends an ear to hear Fibber’s trouble, and show him her Esther bunny. Is it possible the rabbit is both a buck and a doe? Harlowe Wilcox spends a moment in some hard sales of the sponsor product. The Old Timer listens to the protests, and tells it the way he hear’d it with a jab at Bob Hope. Maybe Molly ought to handle things, given the way Fibber flies off the handle. Harlowe doubles as the license bureau clerk, and dishes out some soft sales to customers on his office phone. Will the government officials get it that there is no dog? Nick Dipopolos shares his memories of Fibber’s old dog. The Kingsmen sing, Old King Cole. Abigail Uppington is in city hall, and listens to the tax woes of the McGee’s. Gildersleeve is on hand, but will he be in a position to help with the license? After causing his ruckus in the license department, the cops are on to him, but Fibber makes a break and may find himself in bigger trouble. Note: The mail man is Gale Gordon.

 Lum and Abner – History Of The Peabody Family. 440531 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Abner’s poppa has been causing trouble in town, and today he wants to talk to Cedric in the store. Phinus thinks Cedric is a gent named Vesper Hawkins. Even Cedric is beginning to think that’s his new name. The latest thing to rile up Phinus has to do with the link between the Hawkins family to the Peabody family. The rambling old Phinus enters to read a document to Cedric, who he now thinks is Charlie Redfield. Back on track… sort of… the mixed up, convoluted family history begins. Frasier, a man who could levitate is an amazing man indeed who Phinus takes Vesper to see. How will this turn out? Despite knowing better, even Lum and Abner are tempted to close up shop to go see for themselves.

 Gunsmoke – The Man Who Would Be Marshal. 560318. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:52

A man rides to Dodge and claims that he has applied and been approved by the War office to become a new Marshall. The former army officer is serious when he wants to take over Matts job. Chester is surprised when Matt is willing to step aside and let the man have a taste of what the office is like for a week. Chester snaps in the new man, Egan, and Matt is there to be a resource, but the new man takes on the new duties as he tours the town. In the Long Branch Egan meets Kitty. Will the rough characters scare the new Marshall away? Does the actual job meet the promised expectations? After a day of the mundane, routine, and even weird, it wouldn’t be complete without a face-off with guns. Well? What’s the decision? Will there be a new Marshall in the West, or will he wise up and give it up?

 Our Miss Brooks – Miss Enright’s Birthday Party. ep123, 510318 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:06

Connie Brooks has had nothing but a series of disappointments in her life lately. Walter’s new gossip column doesn’t help matters. Is there hopes of a hot date tonight with Mr Boynton? Is Miss Enright out to sink her claws into him instead? With the publicity over Miss Enright’s birthday party, he has to turn down Connie for her. Catty remarks fly when Miss Enright appears to swap insults with Connie. Troubles compound when Boynton has to cancel all his dates when his mother is to visit. Will Walter be able to pull some strings on Connie’s behalf? The hypertensive Conklin has a telegram for Boynton for Connie to deliver to him, and Walter’s sneaky plan goes into action. Harriet has a message for Boynton that his mother will indeed be arriving. Will Connie have to share her date after all? Especially when Miss Enright also hears of being jilted on her birthday plans?

 Great Gildersleeve (AFRS) Leila Hears A Burglar. ep161, 450318 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:01

The Jolly Boys practice, but when Gildersleeve goes home he finds all the lights on. Is everybody OK? Don’t they know there’s a war on? Birdie and Marjorie think they’ve herd burglarlars prowling. Maybe Gildy should go check on Leila Ransome. Armed with his air raid warden helmet, and a pistol, Gildy creeps over to check on Leila. Is there anything to the noises she has been hearing? Will it come down to having guns blazing? Who’s voice was that who screamed from the kitchen at the sound of a gunshot? Why is judge Hooker in Leila’s kitchen? Why did Leila think she had a burglar? Is anything missing? A silver coffee pot heirloom is missing. Sure that the criminal returns to the scene of the crime, Gildy suggests setting a trap that’s sure to lure him back. Leila is sure to be safe upstairs with Gildy and the judge standing guard in her kitchen. What brings Peavey to the kitchen in the middle of the night? Apparently Leila isn’t safe until she phones everyone she knows. With her security force snuggly tucked in for the night, a good rest is had by all. When chief Bates visits in the morning, the mystery gets solved.

 Phil Harris – Spring in the Air. ep172, 510318 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

All is not blissful in the Harris household. What has Phil feeling shackled, and not abole to frolic like the wild colt he wants to be? Alice thinks he could get some manly advice from her brother, Willie. Will he be on Phil’s side when it comes to Spring fever, and the desire to get away? What if Alice forbids him to go? Frankie arrives, and Phil learns where he stands on the topic of women. Will he be on board with Phil’s desire for a fishing trip with the guys? There’s only one thing to do and get himself cheered up… Phil sings, What a Face. The thing Phil needs to get out of the house is to fake a nervous breakdown. Will Phil’s ramblings be mistaken for his usual attempt at jokes? The tea party is enough to convince Alice. Not that he’s nuts, just that he really wants his trip alone. She has her own rules for agreeing to let him go. Alice sings, I Only Want the Best Thing for You. The first thing the guys need is a car, and they try to swipe Julius delivery truck. If the shakedown for his keys won’t work, how about a little buttering up? They may get the truck, but Julius gets the last laugh.

 Jack Benny – The Hunchback Of Notre Dame. ep366, 400317 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:03

Jack is out in the hall, talking to Orson Wells. Phil describes the purpose, and we eavesdrop on the phone call to learn of the coaching session to improve Jack’s chances at winning an Oscar next year. Phil jokes about having his own show some day, and as Jack enters the studio, the cast teases him over his popularity with the average American. Before Dennis can sing, Jack tells that Mary is sick this week, and won’t make the show. Dennis Day sings, Phil McGruder’s Ball The topic of coaching on his acting returns, and soon handlers for Orson Wells begin showing up. Jack wants the cast to be on their best behavior as the lessons on elocution, and voice are expected. Will Jack be ready for the great Orson Wells when he shows up? Orson takes care of personal business in rapid fire fashion, in between meeting the cast and the lessons.

 The Avenger – Mystery of Dead Man’s Rock. ep6, 450713 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

A game warden from Dead Man’s Rock seems to have nabbed a killer, but will he end up dead as well? Meanwhile, Jim Brandon and Fern enjoy the scenery and discuss the nature of the crime, and Indian customs. Knives used in the murder are similar to the throwing knives used in circus performances. Lumbermen, trappers, and other kinds of rough necks fill the list of characters. Admiring a moose head, Jim continues to gather clues from the sheriff. Threats put pressure on the trappers to bend the rules, and resistance only causes the body count to rise. Until Jim is satisfied, everyone is under suspicion. This looks like a job that only the Avenger can solve. Crooks hide smuggled goods in a hollow log. They won’t have a chance to get away when the Avenger swings into action. They tell their part in the crime, but will it lead to the ringleader of the operation? Sneaky things are still afoot, and danger looms in the trap Jim sets. Jim explains all, as he hands the bad guys over to the sheriff.

 Richard Diamond – Rene Bennet Protection Case. ep26, 491022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Sitting alone at his desk, Richard enjoys a phone call from his best girl, Helen. She tips him to a client who is to pop in. The sensational hat maker fears a theft before his Fall showing. Is a rival out to sabotage him? Gerald Winters is his long time partner, but would he stoop so low to do such a thing? In the upscale studio, Richard looks into the ill feelings, and condescending attitudes. The receptionist, Lillian isn’t falling for his ruse as a designer, when Richard looks more like a fullback k on the football field. All Richard needs to do is safe guard the designs until the show. A phone call from Walt Levinson break’s the news to Richard that murder has crept into his simple case of protecting the designs. On the scene of the car crash, does it prove to be just an accident, or is foul play involved? Richard smells a rat, and its time to put the pressure on high. Richard lines up all the potential enemies, and digs for motives, and who had the most likely one. Winters is the obvious choice, but Richard isn’t one for settling for the obvious. Joined by his cop friends, Otis and Walt, Richard moves in. Just how dangers will this take down be? The killer falls into the trap, and all the secrets are revealed.

 Show # 826: Specialty records, The untold story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The hits, the misses, the should have beens. The story told tonight about an unsung hero of Specialty records that helped guide some of the greatest of the specialty artists to greatness

 Nick Carter – Nick’s Christmas Adventure. ep37, 431225 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

On the way to a Christmas party, Nick and Scotty stop to collect Christmas contributions. Why doesn’t old Mr Rasper want to donate to help kids in need? Nick decides to find out why, and plans to mobilize his team to look into the matter. Tragedies, losses with the boxing ring, and takeovers in management are learned. Abandonment, and ill feelings are in the past, and wishes for Merry Christmas are given. What else crosses paths with the crusty Rasper? A woman from his past drops in to invite him to Nick’s Christmas party. Elsewhere, Ben and Nina get ready for Jimmy’s first Christmas. That is, unless Ben has something more pressing at work. Will the hard luck be turned around? Will Ben get the break he needs to make lots of money? The benevolent party that Nick is putting on inspires some change. Speaking of the party, how are things going with the kids? When things settle down, Nick shares secrets behind the mystery for his staff.

 Lum and Abner – Grandma And Grandpa Masters 50th Wedding Anniversary. 440530 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Enjoying the calm atmosphere, Lum wonders where Abner’s troublemaking poppa has gotten himself to. In describing the 50th anniversary of Grandma and Grandpa Masters, Abner gets confused, think Lum said they were married for 100 years. Lum thinks he ought to go to pay respects to the old couple, and Abner suggests he take them a gift for the golden date. Phinus has already visited, and Abner tells about the tear jerking encounter. We le1arn that Phinus was their best man. The gents discuss the longevity of the Masters, and how they are good for each other, and pillars of the community. In the discussion of the past lives of the Masters, we learn their names are Otis and Clementine. Abner continues to describe the party, festivities, and Kodak cameras that everyone has handy for photos. Grandpap enters to get his word in on the best pigeon toed, flat footed anniversary bash ever. The party isn’t the only thing broken up though, Phinus seems to have broken up even the Masters.

 Wild Bill Hickock – The Jaws of the Law. ep100, 521029 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:26

Quick fortunes are to be made in the west, but when things get rowdy, it’s going to take law men to settle things down. It helps to have cattlemen turn in their guns when they come to town. Complications arise when ranchers refuse to sell land to the railroads. It takes gun play to set things straight with Jubilee, but he’s not the only rancher who feels that way. . Thorsen might decide to sell out, or maybe not. Stubborn pride means he won’t be forced into anything against his will. However it shakes out, Bill is going to have his hands full, and will gunplay mean the end of Wild Bill? Bill is too smart to be mowed down so easily by the thundering guns that surround him. The merry go round of horse chases leads to a confrontation to finally put Jubilee Jynx in his place, and restore peace to the ranchers on the plains.

 Dragnet – Big Ben. ep92, 510315 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:05

Robbery Detail. On a lonely street, a man is robbed, and his car stolen. Joe Friday and Ben Romero go to a high-rise department store to interview Harvey. He describes the car jacking on his way to work. On the way, a man with exotic tropical fish is questioned, and we learn about some of the sea life in his tanks. Clown fish, a sea horse, Egyptian mouth breeders, and some of their habits. A hot tip locates their man, but a confrontation after a 12 hour stakeout ends up with Joe shot. Voiceover duty is taken over by Ben as he describes how the case is developing. Joe’s condition is serious, and Ben tells how new cadets are warned of hazardous duty, and why investigations are kicked up a notch when it involves a fallen officer. Ben gets tough as he pursues the trail. The suspect is easily apprehended, but what about Joe? He seems on the road to recovery, and though the robber is caught, they still have a stolen car to find.

 X Minus One – Tunnel Under The World. ep42, 560314. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:20

A businessman at an advertising company gets to his office, but everything seems strange. Another day goes by and again he notices the crowd on the morning bus isn’t the same, The speaker on the elevator isn’t playing the usual audio track, and life in the office is just wrong somehow. Days roll by and life is beginning to seem like the nightmares that Berkheart awakens to each morning. Finally, he locates a man who may hold some answers. It’s always the same day, June 15th, and Gary Berkheart needs to break out of the rut of following the same routine. Is this a trick pulled off by Martians? Is it a plot that has been pulled off by Russians? Follow along as Gary discovers a tunnel filled with monitoring screens and robots. Plug into the Matrix, 1956 style.


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