Lum and Abner – Grandma And Grandpa Masters 50th Wedding Anniversary. 440530

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Enjoying the calm atmosphere, Lum wonders where Abner’s troublemaking poppa has gotten himself to. In describing the 50th anniversary of Grandma and Grandpa Masters, Abner gets confused, think Lum said they were married for 100 years. Lum thinks he ought to go to pay respects to the old couple, and Abner suggests he take them a gift for the golden date.<br><br> Phinus has already visited, and Abner tells about the tear jerking encounter. We le1arn that Phinus was their best man. The gents discuss the longevity of the Masters, and how they are good for each other, and pillars of the community. <br> In the discussion of the past lives of the Masters, we learn their names are Otis and Clementine. <br> Abner continues to describe the party, festivities, and Kodak cameras that everyone has handy for photos. Grandpap enters to get his word in on the best pigeon toed, flat footed anniversary bash ever. The party isn’t the only thing broken up though, Phinus seems to have broken up even the Masters. <br> <br>