Richard Diamond – Rene Bennet Protection Case. ep26, 491022

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Sitting alone at his desk, Richard enjoys a phone call from his best girl, Helen. She tips him to a client who is to pop in. The sensational hat maker fears a theft before his Fall showing. Is a rival out to sabotage him? Gerald Winters is his long time partner, but would he stoop so low to do such a thing? <br> In the upscale studio, Richard looks into the ill feelings, and condescending attitudes. The receptionist, Lillian isn’t falling for his ruse as a designer, when Richard looks more like a fullback k on the football field. All Richard needs to do is safe guard the designs until the show. <br> A phone call from Walt Levinson break’s the news to Richard that murder has crept into his simple case of protecting the designs. On the scene of the car crash, does it prove to be just an accident, or is foul play involved? Richard smells a rat, and its time to put the pressure on high. <br> Richard lines up all the potential enemies, and digs for motives, and who had the most likely one. Winters is the obvious choice, but Richard isn’t one for settling for the obvious. Joined by his cop friends, Otis and Walt, Richard moves in. Just how dangers will this take down be? The killer falls into the trap, and all the secrets are revealed. <br> <br>