Gunsmoke – The Man Who Would Be Marshal. 560318.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A man rides to Dodge and claims that he has applied and been approved by the War office to become a new Marshall. The former army officer is serious when he wants to take over Matts job. Chester is surprised when Matt is willing to step aside and let the man have a taste of what the office is like for a week. <br> Chester snaps in the new man, Egan, and Matt is there to be a resource, but the new man takes on the new duties as he tours the town. In the Long Branch Egan meets Kitty. Will the rough characters scare the new Marshall away? Does the actual job meet the promised expectations? <br> After a day of the mundane, routine, and even weird, it wouldn’t be complete without a face-off with guns. Well? What’s the decision? Will there be a new Marshall in the West, or will he wise up and give it up? <br>