X Minus One – Tunnel Under The World. ep42, 560314.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A businessman at an advertising company gets to his office, but everything seems strange. Another day goes by and again he notices the crowd on the morning bus isn’t the same, The speaker on the elevator isn’t playing the usual audio track, and life in the office is just wrong somehow. Days roll by and life is beginning to seem like the nightmares that Berkheart awakens to each morning. <br> Finally, he locates a man who may hold some answers. It’s always the same day, June 15th, and Gary Berkheart needs to break out of the rut of following the same routine. Is this a trick pulled off by Martians? Is it a plot that has been pulled off by Russians? Follow along as Gary discovers a tunnel filled with monitoring screens and robots. <br> Plug into the Matrix, 1956 style. <br>