Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Richard Diamond – The Harry Baker Case. ep20, 490903 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

After sharing about some of the loudly colored fashions of the day, Richard shifts to a matter of Harry Baker becoming involved with his private secretary. Is Connie moving too fast, or pushing the issue with Harry too far? Dropping into the police station, Richard teases his cop friends, and enjoys a comedy of errors regarding a nonexistent corpse. On a shopping trip with his girlfriend Helen, Richard spots a petty kleptomaniac. Is the shoplifter something to worry about, or report? Mrs Baker is one of the stores better customers, an eccentric, and the store sends bills to her husband to cover for her. Meanwhile, a serious robbery has taken place, and Richard spots the scam.. though the crime has been stopped, Richard checks out the store for other signs of conspiracy. Is Mrs Baker involved somehow? Back in the police station, word of a suicide comes in, but Richard smells a rat with the death of Mrs Baker. Doing his own checking, Richard turns up another body. Dots are soon connected, and a confrontation is in store. With the details laid bare, the heat is turned up to expose the scheme of murder. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Sam Spade on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BDR8A9M,B006421JJY,1570196451,1932806229"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 The Avenger – Rendezvous with Murder. ep3, 450622 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Thugs return to the scene of a past crime, choosing the morbid hiding place of a graveyard. Their plan to break through a wall, and bypass a bank alarm is slowly revealed. Kapper and Bates seem to have all their bases covered. There’s just one dame who could ruin their plans. Elsewhere, Jim Brandon and Fern get ready for a date. Their friend Janice feels her father’s untimely death was never investigated well. The friends set out to meet up with Bill, who is working in the bank building. What danger will Janice be in when Kapper notices her, and demands pictures she has? Nabbing the two dames, the thugs take them for a ride. Will Fern and Janice be doomed? Brandon finds a problem at Bill’s office, but will he be able to do anything about it? Have the thugs managed a foolproof set up? They haven’t counted on the invisibility powers of the Avenger. Even the Avenger may need extra help to rescue Fern and Janice.

 Old Time Rock n Roll: The Games People Play | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It's all Fun and games tonight as Lee presents songs about games and the most important game of all Love.

 Nick Carter – States Prison Evidence. ep28, 431018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

A girl in her night clothes runs out to encounter Nick Carter. She shows him the scene of her brutally murdered uncle. The first assessment is that it’s a simple suicide, but the girl insists something else is afoot. Handwriting evidence seems to support her claims. Posing as a reporter, Nick learns details from Sara, the dead man’s wife. Has an important clue just crossed Nick’s path to link a murder conspiracy together? Barney McCoy is a recently released prison convict. Will it do to go to prison undercover to learn about a forged will? Now posing as a second story robber, Nick gets inside scoop on Barney, and a dame who marriec some ich guy for his money. So far his evidence is circumstantial, but a rison break may deliver the hard facts on Barney. Clues explode to the surface to expose a forged sill, and impoxterx in the family. Armed with facts, Nick formulates a plan to trap his killers.

 Lum and Abner – Phinus’s Eccentricities. 440518 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

The secret of most of the museum pieces has been explained as coming from Abner’s papa. Proud of the postcard he received, , Lum tires of hearing the note from Papa to Sonny. Abner enjoys the thought of his spry papa. Lum expresses his frustrations of having to sit through the tales of the Civil War, cannonball blow by cannonball blow. Other eccentric bits of the old timers behavior are shared. One is about a shipment of avocados, bales of lightening rods, all in huge quantities, and more than the folks in town knew what to do with. Wonderful world! Cedric arrives, and Lum wants his help to repack all the trunks they had on display. The thing Cedric wants is his $200 investment back from the now defunct treasure company and museum. Can the gents explain how the investment was lost in the expenses? Instead, they tell Cedric it was put into war bonds. Is he going to believe that, or understand the importance of such an investment? Is Phinus already starting to place large orders for the store?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber Has To Tell the Truth For An Hour. ep236, 400220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:10

Billy Mills opens up by playing, I Know That You Know. Rehearsing a speech to honor George Washington, the president known for truth, Fibber plays fast and loose with the facts. Molly learns about the class of 4th graders he is to talk to, and challenges Fibber to tell the truth for one hour. The Old Timer is the first to challenge Fibber’s honesty. Despite the humility of truth, Fibber’s colorful language pulls him through. Harlowe pitches the sponsor product. in a moment of hard selling Time drags for Fibber as the challenges keep coming. Abigail Uppington arrives, and all he can do is remain silent as she gets in her jabs. At least he’s more than willing to tell the truth about her new hat. Nick Dipopolus needs input on why customers are staying away from his sandwich stand. Finding his niche, Fibber is eager to lay the truth out for him. Now Molly is the one regretting she made the bet. Harlowe enters to use the grammar school speech to twist into his own theme for a commercial. When Mrs Gildersleeve phones, Fibber keeps the truth coming, especially when it rocks the boat for his pal. The Kingsmen sing a top hit of the year, Confusious Say. Coming down to the last few minutes, Teeny visits. Will Fibber be able to tell her a story, without fibbing? Gildersleeve visits, but can Fibber talk his way out of his troubles, and the business end of Gildy’s gun?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber’s Closet. 400312 (RV50 retro619) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:40

Billy Mills opens with, Shine. Fibber and Molly read the newspaper headlines. To solve a matter of confusion, the dictionary is needed from the hall closet. Despite the claim it’s locked, Molly proves it isn’t, and gets buried alive. Fibber wants to put it all back, but Molly wants to get rid of the stuff they don’t need. Teeny arrives to say she has to go back on a baby sitting deal with Fibber. Not to mention other troubles with her little brother. After a bit of hard sale from Harlowe Wilcox, the McGee’s look through their sentimental things, and the Old Timer visits. Will the McGee’s let him rent a room? He tells it the way he her’d it about the hit film, Gone with the Wind. Turning to the photo album, and family photos, the McGee’s are interrupted by Harlowe and another commercial. The next visitor is Gracie Allen. She tells about her campaign for president. Molly learns about the Surprise Party and the cabinet Gracie plans. The Kingsmen sing, Kapusalem. As the clean up continues, the phone rings. It’s Mirt the phone operator who tells hbout her missing uncle. Mrs Uppington arrives with news of a concert. Gildersleeve is next to interrupt. He spars with Fibber about their Boy Scout days. Once the closet is all packed back in, then Fibber remembers why he got into it to begin with. Stand by for more clean up. Bonuz Tracks * Keith shares a word on the use of Fibber’s closet in other sitcoms and cartoons through the years. Also a glimpse of the weekly grind in writing and producing the shos. * Thanks to listeners and fans of the podcast for your feedback. * The Retrobots make some corrections to the old Retrobots. * The Ink Spots 1940 When the Swallows Return to Capistrano. Want shows delivered to your email inbox? use the handy form on the front page to subscribe. You can also follow the site on WordPress for daily updates.

 Lum and Abner – The Mystery Of The Stuffed Owl. 440510 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

After finding their prized stuffed owl moved once again, Lum figures someone has broken in. Who would do a thing like that? Could it be Cedric or Mousey? They both love owls. Is Abner walking in his sleep? Lum is worried there is more going on than just moving the owl to the pickle barrel. Is someone stuffing the owl full of dynamite, or diamonds, or sapphires… or something? How could the mystery be explained? Lum and Abner brainstorm ideas of how to find what’s inside the stuffed owl. If the critter is somehow booby trapped, Abner doesn’t want to touch it to put it back where it belongs. Are the imagined dangers even practical? Lum jots down the facts of the case to be sure they can study up on the mystery. A mystery person broke in, the owl was moved, then Abner muddles the facts by being confused over bees, jay birds, meadowlarks, and more. With all the birds, bugs, and critters, Abner just wants to get his hat and leave.

 Bob Hope (Pepsodent Preview) Francis Langford, and Vera Veg. 420419 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:59

Bob “Happy News” Hope tries out a couple openings for this rehearsal show. Topics include the opening of baseball season, the draft board, night games, and flubbed lines sets him back a little. Bob jokes about his pitching, and ball playing ability. Picnics, traffic, black outs, gophers, ants, and more are topics. Crap games, and cow pastures, round out the outdoors theme. Francis Langford sings, How Do I Know It’s Real. Bob talks with Francis about their outfits, and other topics of style, fashion, sailors in town, and upcoming tours of military bases. Francis talks about how cheap Bob is, and the two joke about rationing, travel expense, and getting ready for the tripShe tells secrets on Bob’s house, and a sign he hangs on it. Vera Veg joins Bob to joke a bout the sailors, defense, flirting, kissing, being old, being on the radio, and more. Rationing and scrap drives included the metal tubes that toothpaste, shaving cream, and similar products came in, and jokes related to scrap metal with them are featured.. Topics turn to Bob’s latest movie with Madeline Carole. Vera is interested in renting Bob’s house, and they discuss his furnishings. What kind of man would Vera like, if she could ever capture one? Maybe Jerry Colonna would make good husband material for her. The battle of the sexes becomes wacky and insulting. All manner of jokes related to love, marriage, and social topics abound. Skinny Ennis is backed up by the Six Hits and a Miss to sing, Somebody Else Not Mine. Love has come to the program as Jerry falls for the charms of Vera Veg. The wedding is set to take place in the home of Bob Hope. Francis helps Bob with preparations. Jerry phones in to tell a bout his own preparations. How does the blushing bride look in her dress? Marital jokes involving rings, giving the bride away, cold feet, love nests, and more are included When Jerry wants to elope with a bubble dancer,, it takes some temptation to get him back to Vera, and the wedding. More jokes on marriage, proposals, married life, kids, ceremonies, honeymoons, and others lead up to the big ceremony.

 Jack Benny – Skiing At Yosemite. ep362, 400218 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:49

Don reviews the adventure thus far, as our cast of adventures made their way to Yosemite. Mary’s dark mood gets snippy while the rest try to sleep alongside the road. Should Jack just kill himself to make her happy? At the crack of dawn, the picturesque scene finds Jack in a perky mood. Where did Dennis get off to? The implication is he’s emptying his tank… if you know what Jack means. Excited for a day of gliding down the slopes, Jack keeps the spirits of the cast up. Since Phil switched the road signs on them, Jack asks for help from an approaching Indian. Will the gang be treated to the sight of a geyser? Phil plays a little traveling music. Finally on the slopes, Jack is chomping at the bit. Won’t he stay back, and enjoy the bath that Rochester has drawn for him? Phil sweet talks his way back into Jack’s good graces, and the reality of the slopes begin to sink in. Steep, slippery, fast slopes, is Jack having doubts about the dangers? Phil plays a jazzy version of Jingle Bells. The gang enjoy themselves, but Jack’s enthusiasm… well… not so much. After a racial joke aimed at Rochester, Jack warms up with coffee at the lunch counter. Will the ski instructor be helpful to restore Jack’s enthusiasm? Well… here he goes… maybe just a little push… uh-oh… what was the instructions to stop? Note: though you might not recognize him, Frank Nelson is the ski instructor.

 Great Gildersleeve – Aunt Hattie Stays On. ep157, 450218 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:01

Up before dawn, Gildy is in good spirits this morning. Word has come that aunt Hattie is to go home. Marjorie and Leroy get a kick out of watching their uncle shave. At breakfast, Birdie is thrilled at the good news, but when judge Hooker visits he switches the topic to voting for president of the Jolly Boys club. Everybody is on their best behavior, so Hattie won’t feel the need to stay on any longer than she needs. Seeing his chance to ruin the judge’s shot at taking over the Jolly Boys, Gildy hooks up the judge with Hattie concerning estate matters. With Hattie occupied with the judge, Gildy slips off to meet with professional men of town, better known as the Jolly Boys. The audio skips a little, but the boys get their poker game going. Peavey tries to introduce a new game, brain ticklers. Has the gang finally unflapped the unflappable Peavey? The Jolly Boys sing, Along the Banks of the Wabash. Heading back home, Gildy finds the judge still at home, and crooning to Hattie. Suddenly, the good news has changed, and Hattie is staying on for at least another week. Note: Birdie attributes good news to the “Power of prayer.”

 Phil Harris – USO Entertaining, At An Army Camp. ep168, 510218 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:28

Practicing their first aid skills, Phil and Frankie have bandaged Willie from head to toe. Alice rescues Willie, and grills Phil on other kinds of first aid. How about if Phil and Frankie lend their talents to the USO to entertain the troops? Phil sings, O What a Face. Phil, Frankie, and Alice rehearse a vaudeville style act for the show tonight. Old jokes abound, and Alice plays a part of a homely girl. Julius arrives to get his 2 cents in on the act. The whole gang gets ready to head out to the Army camp. Alice sings, You Care for Me. Without the passes to get into the base, will there be trouble being recognized? Frankie seems to have better name recognition than Phil, but will it hold water with the sentry to be allowed in? This may require the feminine charms of Alice. Julius even tries his hand with the guard. Will our merry little band ever get into the camp? Note: The Gard of the camp is Sidney Sheldon, usually the voice of IJ Grogan.

 Sherlock Holmes – A Scandal in Bohemia. ep193, 451210 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:28

Intro by Peggy Webber, explaining emotional attitudes of Sherlock Holmes, especially his skeptical nature, and his distrust for emotional displays. Irenie Adler, or the person who Holmes only refers to as, the Woman, is the feature of today’s mystery. Watson learns of a letter that has Holmes excited to go on his latest case. Powers of deduction abound in the simple matter of the letter to reveal much more than meets the eye. We learn that Irenie is an American opera star, and the center of more than one deadly serious crime. Posing as carriage driver and groom, Holmes and Watson learn more about Irenie. A race is on as a series of hired carriages all take after one another. Satisfied he knows the mystery thus far, Holmes and Watson return to Baker Street. Disguises are still in order, as Holmes puts the final part of his plan into affect. Though her house has been burglarized twice, Holmes has a plan to get her to reveal the location of the picture that was stolen. All that is left to do is call on the authorities. Has Holmes turned up the missing picture? Has Irenie outsmarted the great detective?

 Wild Bill Hickock – The Terrible Cook. ep97, 521017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:31

An encounter with a stranger on the trail gets the show started with a fight, but the attitude adjustment doesn’t come until Barret finds out he’s been dealing with Wild Bill. Is the treat of a steak meal going to be the benefit Jingles thinks it is? Bill finds evidence of poisoning. Putting on a show of doing short work of the steak dinner, Bill and Jingles leads Langley and his men into believing they’re turning in for a nap. A permanent nap? What will our heroes learn as they poke around the mill? What kind of cover ups might they expose? Danger has come in an unexpected way, but it leads Bill to old man Wilson, the real owner of the mine. All hope isn’t lost, and Bill springs his own surprise on Langley and his bad cook, Barret.

 Show # 822: Questions and Answers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Two hours of oldies classics. Why, How, What ?????


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