Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber’s Closet. 400312 (RV50 retro619)

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Billy Mills opens with, Shine. <br> Fibber and Molly read the newspaper headlines. To solve a matter of confusion, the dictionary is needed from the hall closet. Despite the claim it’s locked, Molly proves it isn’t, and gets buried alive. Fibber wants to put it all back, but Molly wants to get rid of the stuff they don’t need. Teeny arrives to say she has to go back on a baby sitting deal with Fibber. Not to mention other troubles with her little brother. <br> After a bit of hard sale from Harlowe Wilcox, the McGee’s look through their sentimental things, and the Old Timer visits. Will the McGee’s let him rent a room? He tells it the way he her’d it about the hit film, Gone with the Wind. Turning to the photo album, and family photos, the McGee’s are interrupted by Harlowe and another commercial. <br> The next visitor is Gracie Allen. She tells about her campaign for president. Molly learns about the Surprise Party and the cabinet Gracie plans. The Kingsmen sing, Kapusalem. <br> As the clean up continues, the phone rings. It’s Mirt the phone operator who tells hbout her missing uncle. Mrs Uppington arrives with news of a concert. Gildersleeve is next to interrupt. He spars with Fibber about their Boy Scout days. Once the closet is all packed back in, then Fibber remembers why he got into it to begin with. Stand by for more clean up. <br> Bonuz Tracks<br> <br> * Keith shares a word on the use of Fibber’s closet in other sitcoms and cartoons through the years. Also a glimpse of the weekly grind in writing and producing the shos.<br> * Thanks to listeners and fans of the podcast for your feedback.<br> * The Retrobots make some corrections to the old Retrobots.<br> * The Ink Spots 1940 When the Swallows Return to Capistrano.<br> <br> Want shows delivered to your email inbox? use the handy form on the front page to subscribe. You can also follow the site on WordPress for daily updates. <br> <br>