Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 The Avenger – High Tide Murders. ep1, 450608 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Jim Brandon, the famous biochemist, with Fern Collier is his assistant who is the sole person to know his identity as the Avenger. Scrawny, and Pedro are two thugs who settle accounts, but will there be a double crossed? Brandon describes the power of his invisibility capsules to his side kick, when a psychic flash of sounds hits Brandon. What does it mean? On the job, Brandon investigates the latest crime scene in his capacity of forensics sciences. He tries to teach his companion, Fern some of his technique. Brandon is sure his psychic flashes are linked to the crimes with jewelers. He and Fern discuss the details of the open cases. Trying to warn the next jeweler, Brandon’s instincts lead him to Skrawny. Fern helps send the trail to a sea faring man known as Captain Peabody. Will he be able to shed light on knowing how long the bodies that had been found were in the water? As Brandon tracks down his man, Fern is left behind to be captured by Scrawny. Too bad the thug is easy work for the invisibility power of the Avenger. In a final scene, Brandon clears up the loose ends with the police.

 Sherlock Holmes – Murder in the Casbah. ep192, 451203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

The place of winding streets, and colorful cafe’s is the setting for a murder mystery. Douglas Milton had run away to escape blame for a crime. His fiancé hires Holmes to find him to let him know the real criminals. Has been caught, and its OK to come home. All Sherlock has is a painting by Douglas to find him. The trail leads to the Foreign Legion, and tracking down a deserter. Watson thinks the charm of the Casbah is over rated. An informant who threatens to turn scoundrel amuses Holmes, but he gets the information he needs about an Englishman in hiding. Holmes spots evidence that they aren’t the only ones searching for Douglas , but the parties may have harmful motives. Disguises go into play to go further in the lawless Casbah. The race is on to find Douglas before bodies begin showing up. A confrontation turns Douglas out, but will he be keen on returning to England, even knowing his name is clear? Just when the case is solved, Holmes reveals the truth behind loose ends, and what really happened to the missing man.

 Wild Bill Hickock – The Secret Of The Iron Door. ep96, 521015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:41

After a satisfying meal, Jingles spots an old friend from the war. The old cavalry Colonel invites them to his horse ranch. Is his foreman looking for trouble with Bill? With trouble hanging in the air, Bill and Jingles are fearless as they accept the invitation to the Chandler ranch. At the ranch, Bill is greeted by sir Reginald, the colonel’s valet. Our heroes learn the colonel is dead. It seems that Curly, the foreman, has some explaining to do. Gun play and fist fights are ripe to explode at a moments notice. What is Curly trying too hide? Does he really have a letter that deeds him the ranch? Bill figures horses are smarter than people, and sets out to find out what the colonel’s horse can tell him. the bad news is the gang is aware that Bill is on to them. The good news is the colonel is found alive. The key to surviving a dangerous situation is the iron door that holds our heroes captive. Even if they do, there’s the matter of that gang of coyotes to corral, but Bill may know how to finish on top.

 Lum and Abner – Cedric’s Date With Clara belle. 440503 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

A business meeting is called so the officers of the treasure company can vote on a name for the museum. Though he is president of the company, Cedric is distracted by a heavy date with Clara Belle tonight. Abner gets confused over how Clara Belle is, she doesn’t look all that heavy. The gents are surprised that it was Clara Belle who called Cedric to ask for a date. She even hinted that he ought to bring her a big fruit basket. The gents try to get Cedric to concentrate on the meeting, and not the time it’s going to take to make himself pretty enough for his date. Maybe the gents could let Cedric borrow that fancy coat they have on display in the museum. Kinda like taking samples home, like when Cedric used to be allowed to take samples when he worked in a bakery. With his attention to set on his date, Lum finally agrees to let Cedric take the coat. It could be good advertising for the museum. There’s just something left to be revealed about the mystery behind why Clara Belle phone Cedric, and what the fruit basket is for. For fans of the show, you’ll know she has always used Cedric, while dating Gomer Bates. This won’t be leading up to yet another let down for Cedric, will it?

 Whitehall 1212 – Murder of a Bloody Belgian. ep19, 520330 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:27

A case from 35 years earlier is reviewed. The remains of a lady, missing head and hands, is found, and an investigation begins. Blood stained sheets, a laundry mark, and an address is turned up. The heavily French accented landlady manages to send the Scotland Yard inspectors to a boyfriend who is a butcher. Pierre seems to have several girlfriends,, and runs his shop out of his house. Holy cow, that can’t be sanitary. A stakeout on his place alerts the inspectors that Pierre is home. Samples of blood are taken, but presumed to be animal blood. Without a warrant, the cops have to return later for more questioning. The only thing clean in the blood soaked living area, and butcher shop is the knives. What else will the cops find among the buckets of rotted animal parts? A woman’s earring may turn the case around When the cellar is to be investigated, Pierre begins to confess his part in the murder. He claims he didn’t kill her. Despite the heavy French accents, it becomes clear, that arrests will be made. In voiceover, the inspectors describe the bloody events of the murder, as well as the end for our killers.

 Richard Diamond – Dark Blue Serge Suit. ep84, 510209 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:19

A shop owner complains to Richard that his entire stock of blue serge suits has been stolen. Even further, all his stock of blue serge cloth is gone while flannel and other materials are left untouched. Is this all just a practical joke? Richard thinks there’s more to it than that, and decides to lay a trap for the burglar. There’s only one suit left, and he uses it as bait. What better way to learn who the thugs are than by wearing the suit and waiting until they come to get you? Trouble is that it’s hard to be tough in your underwear when the suit is taken at gun point. Evading the bad guys, Richard is just glad his undies aren’t made of blue serge. He has managed to get enough clues to take the case to the cops, and connections to something bigger than the local gangland scene emerges. Smugglers are operating, and using the suits to ship something out of the country. Gun battles await as Richard takes his police chief friend with him. Will they learn what is being smuggled? How does the operation work? PS: Dick Powel is Richard Diamond. Arthur Q Brian is Walt, the police chief. Also, I don’t do it often enough, but listeners should know that commercials are left in for entertainment purposes only. The Retro Radio Podcast does not endorse smoking, or get any sponsorship support from any of the ads you may hear, unless specifically mentioned by Keith or the Retrobots in person. … er, in our usual almost live comments on the Retro Original channel.

 Show # 821: Blues in the night | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Great R & b and blues singers and legends. The hits and the obscurities.

 Nick Carter – Murder In The Crypt. ep17, 430802 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:09

Riley helps investigate a mystery at a museum exhibit of an Egyptian crypt. Not only is there a problem, but a body is soon uncovered that is a lot more fresh than a mummy. Is there a curse on the artifacts? Nick smells a rat, and sets up a trap to lure a killer out. Was there any treasure in the crypt? Will the spooky warnings surround the crypt never end? Do the perpetrators think they can pull a fast one with Nick, Patsy, and Riley? Nick is playing his cards close to the vest, and letting the crooks run with their schemes. Nick has all he needs, and a final trap is set. Riley and Patsy won’t be in danger will they? Where did Nick go? Stand by for gun play, and a full explanation of the strange events.

 Lum and Abner – Labeling Items In the Museum. 440502 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Hitting on the potential for profits from the packages sent from Tennessee, Lum and Abner have put the items on display. Will people actually pay money to see old cooking pans, and what otherwise appears to be castoff junk? Did kings wear the pots and pans on their head in the castle, or did they save that for going in public? Lum figures some creative labeling will make the mundane appearance of their displays be more important. They’re so busy with the new museum, they brush folks off who try to place grocery orders. It’s not enough to just label the owl as stuffed, should Abner also indicate the owl is also dead? Lum shows him how to give a fancy description with the old coat with swallow tails. The kingly description makes Abner want to pay 10 cents to get in to see it. Abner gives it a try, and Lum is impressed with the heritage of the royal shoes to put on display. There’s just one problem about where the shoes actually came from.

 The Whistler – In the Dark. ep39, 430207 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:25

A hard working architect has been having headaches. Is the mental strain causing him to lose his mind? Is he on the brink of a nervous breakdown? On top of everything, when Northcott gets home early for a change, he finds his neglected wife is out with another man. How will Tom take it when he learns about the affair? How will Elizabeth take it to learn Tom may be losing his eyesight? Time is planned on the yacht for the couple to relax. Guests are invited for the cruise, but Tom has troubles masking his decline in vision. He can he detect that his wife’s lover is onboard? Will she be changing her mind about where her love lies? To avoid an unpleasant situation onboard the ship, Charles, the family doctor asks the captain to turn the yacht back to shore. Storm clouds have been blowing in. Could this be the ideal time for a convenient accident? Charles, the family doctor is found dead, but has Tom killed the wrong man? The Whistler knows, and he knows yet another twist in the outcome of the tale.

 Frank Merrywell – The Stolen Masterpiece. 480605 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:16

With the school term at Yale over, Frank and Bart make summer plans. In New York, they are to make a cash payment at an art studio, and have the painting delivered later. I feel a mix up coming on. A newspaper reporter from the art section wants to see the painting before it gets shipped. It’s pronounced a fake, but who switched it? The studio, or another patron who was there? Confronting the art dealer, the mystery behind the switch is investigated. The painting is verified as not only a fake, but not even a good one. Is the dealer’s reputation on the line? The frame is the same, but is it possible for the frame to have been switched? The custom frame, and its maker are easy enough to trace. The framer sets Frank on the trail of the thief, but he needs to hurry before the ship sails from the harbor. Or is there some other clue to put Frank onto the real thief? Its time for a showdown, and Frank rounds up all the suspects for a dramatic conclusion.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber’s Birthday. ep234, 400206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:52

The new vocal feature, the Kingsmen open with a song, Can’t You Take a Joke. Molly has to help reign in Fibbers tongue as he crawls in through the window. He fell out after having a nightmare. She has surprises in store for him for his birthday, starting with breakfast plans. Gildersleeve pops in to spread cheer, and is oblivious to Fibbers insults. More interruptions to the wheat cakes and sausages come in the form of the Old Timer. He tells it the way he hear’d it about bowl weevils. Bugle Nose McGee boasts about his Army days. Harlowe Wilcox pitches the sponsor in a bit of hard sales. Stuffed after his breakfast, Fibber can hardly buckle his belt. He and Molly head out, and encounter Abigail Uppington. She has to explain her embarrassing limp today. Harlowe is next on their walk, but will he weave in another commercial? Somehow the McGee’s do it for him. Boomer is next on their brisk walk. Will he have tickets for the film, Pinocchio? Or just a lot of other scraps? The Kingsmen sing, Old MacDonald. With all the sweetness and light coming Fibber’s way, he’s getting suspicious. Teeny meets up with the McGee’s but will she give into Fibbers desire for a fight? Will Fibber finally get his chance for an argument, when he breaks Gildey’s window? Note: in this episode, Gildersleeve has both a wife, and a mother in law in his home. Later, on his own show he would be single, and never married.

 Bob Hope (Pepsodent Preview) Easter, Parade with Brenda Marshall. 420405 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:34

Bob “Easter Parade” Hope jokes about all manner of egg jokes from coloring them, to chicks, hens, and more. More Easter topics include bunnies, gifts, the parade, but a flub has Baffled as he works out his timing. Celebrities, styles, girls in slacks, lilies, and more. Open toe shoes, furs, military fashions, zoot suits, and clothes shopping. Traffic, defense plants, victory suits, women’s hats, dresses, and more. Francis Langford sings, I Don’t Wanna Walk Without You. Glamour girl, Brenda Marshall joins Bob to complement each others looks. Topics include fashion, clothes, shoes, the parade, tattoos, photographers, taxi’s, neighbors, eggs, housing shortages, and more. Movies, actors, compliments, love scenes, leading men, Sweetie Face, and more. After a flub, the talk and name dropping of celebrities continues. Bob compares the styles between James Cagney, and Charles Boier. Will the French style help Bob on his date with Brenda? Maybe the tough guy type will win more points as Bob portrays James Cagney. Dating, fighting, kissing, fashion, dancing, nightclubs, and more. Skinny Ennis is joined by the Six Hits and a Miss to sing, Breathless. Finding himself in jail, Bob has Skinny Ennis for his lawyer. What if the roles were reversed? What if Bob tries to break out? How does a lonely prisoner pass his time? Will Skinny’s correspondence course in law do the trick for Bob? Cliches of prison pictures abound. Elsewhere, Brenda complains to Francis about the dirty deeds that Bob has done. The girls describe the mishaps across the court room between Bob and Skinny. Judge Jerry Colonna presides. The judge is harsh on the cases on the docket. Will Bob stand a chance in the face of Jerry’s wackiness? When Brenda takes the stand, the men of the court are putty in her hands. Its up to Bob to take the stand in his own defense in the verbal sparring and confusion from Jerry.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Wants To Open A Museum. 440501 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

A second box was delivered before the deal could be closed to sell the business back to Squire. Today the gents go through the new items, but none of it seems to be treasure. A minor problem arises, and Lum questions why the boxes are sent to Abner, and not Lum. Abner stalls, but is Lum correct in thinking that Abner made out to be the top man in the treasure company to the farmer in Tennessee? The new shipment still impresses the townfolks. Will the gents loan it out? Will they sell some of it? it must be valuable if it was buried… right? The gents decide to put their goods on display in their very own museum. Abner getss confused over an 80 year old man, while discussing museums. The whole time, Sister Simpson chatters on the prty line. Has she overheard the plans for a museum? Is this the kind of business where you can just sit and haul in the money? How will they be able to fit the store business into the museum business?

 Jack Benny – Leaving For Yosemite. ep360, 400204 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:56

Rolling the clock back to the end of last week’s benefit for the March of Dimes, Jack and the cast share some behind the scenes moments. They critique their jokes, as they keep up the gags for this week. Phil reveals his new joke writer as, Bellylaugh Barton. Jack reveals their next trip starts in the morning, a ski trip to Yosemite. Always the coach, Jack advises on what kind of clothes and gear to buy. Mary resists the early rise time, then Dennis Day sings, It’s A Blue World Without You. In the morning, Mary Livingston is far from sharing Jack’s enthusiasm. Even the sales clerk is less than helpful as Jack outfits himself. The rest of the cast pop in to round out their gear, but only Phil seems to be hep with the salesman’s jive. Phil plays some jazzy traveling music. Snuggled under blankets, Mary’s dark mood keeps the bite in the chilly ride for the cast in Jack’s car. Rochester’s comments confirm the broken down state of the Maxwell. Only Don is able to nap, and mumbles a commercial in his sleep. Phil Harris zooms past, but with night falling, its time to pull off at a motor court. The rooms are full, and the cold, hungry, cast push on through the night. With only Jack’s enthusiasm and cheer to keep them going. Stay tuned to see how they hold up… next week.


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