Frank Merrywell – The Stolen Masterpiece. 480605

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: With the school term at Yale over, Frank and Bart make summer plans. In New York, they are to make a cash payment at an art studio, and have the painting delivered later. I feel a mix up coming on. A newspaper reporter from the art section wants to see the painting before it gets shipped. It’s pronounced a fake, but who switched it? The studio, or another patron who was there? <br> Confronting the art dealer, the mystery behind the switch is investigated. The painting is verified as not only a fake, but not even a good one. Is the dealer’s reputation on the line? The frame is the same, but is it possible for the frame to have been switched? The custom frame, and its maker are easy enough to trace. <br> The framer sets Frank on the trail of the thief, but he needs to hurry before the ship sails from the harbor. Or is there some other clue to put Frank onto the real thief? Its time for a showdown, and Frank rounds up all the suspects for a dramatic conclusion. <br> <br>