Lum and Abner – Labeling Items In the Museum. 440502

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Hitting on the potential for profits from the packages sent from Tennessee, Lum and Abner have put the items on display. Will people actually pay money to see old cooking pans, and what otherwise appears to be castoff junk? Did kings wear the pots and pans on their head in the castle, or did they save that for going in public? <br> Lum figures some creative labeling will make the mundane appearance of their displays be more important. They’re so busy with the new museum, they brush folks off who try to place grocery orders. It’s not enough to just label the owl as stuffed, should Abner also indicate the owl is also dead? Lum shows him how to give a fancy description with the old coat with swallow tails. <br> The kingly description makes Abner want to pay 10 cents to get in to see it. Abner gives it a try, and Lum is impressed with the heritage of the royal shoes to put on display. There’s just one problem about where the shoes actually came from. <br> <br>