Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Dad’s Army – Command Decision. s01ep03, 740211 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:33

As Hitler’s tank divisions roll ever closer, and planes are more active on bombing runs, the brave citizen army of the home guard has trouble in getting enough rifles. Not to mention having problems with such simple military disciplines as… well… standing at attention. Captain Mannering reports to his commander. An important will rely on more than just having personality, but where might Mannering and his men be able to acquire the guns they need? Meanwhile, the men have fallen out on the parade ground for excursive. Will they be ready for practicing some unarmed, hand to hand combat? As the citizen soldiers check the manual for what to do, they imagine ways to handle situations with the enemy. What if gas masks are called for? The exercise turns out to be a bit stressful for the butcher, and his daily ordeal in dealing with demanding women in his shop. The commander returns to inspect the discipline of the men. Will he be impressed? Will the men get their prized mission? Will they ever receive the coveted rifles? Or will they be armed only with armbands as a symbol of their authority?

 Lum and Abner – Part2 Lum’s Bank. 440300 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:23

Grandpap enters the store and gets caught up on recent gossip with Abner. How about a game of checkers? Abner informs grandpap he can’t since he’s now president, and Lum is being made president of the board down in the county seat. Can Abner describe what any of the new jobs entails? Most of what he knows involves making faces. The talk of all the new jobs comes to an end when Lum returns. Well? Are they going to make $100 thousand? Lum decides he may not take the job after all. Has the banking business gotten so boring over night that Lum just isn’t interested in counting all the money any more? The truth comes out, and Lum is forced to come clean with Abner. The board of directors made it plain their bank has been operating illegally, and they have to shut it down. PS: there’s more missing shows, but it isn’t difficult to imagine how this story ends.

 Whistler – , 421227 Double-Cross. ep33, 421227 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Joe is a man who has fallen on hard times, and recently released from prison, he helps his brother Steve. While Steve works, Joe watches Timmy, and tells him about Santa coming. But how will such a fat man get down a chimney, when they don’t even have a fireplace? Steve is a cop, and questions Joe about where he has been. There has been a robbery, and the captain puts the pressure on Steve to be sure his brother is clean. It could mean Steve’s job if he’s caught covering up for Joe. Without being able to explain circumstances, Joe goes to jail for two years, and Steve is out of a job. When Joe is released, he finds himself in a good situation, but Steve is found living in a dilapidated side of town, Timmy has had an accident, and not able to walk. Can Joe make amends with his brother? Can he explain to Steve about the night of that robbery? What will happen when some of Joe’s old gang members catch up to him, and demand his help in another safecracking job? To win the reward money, a dangerous plan for Joe is set, and he finds himself as a fugitive. Has he lost his high class girlfriend? Will he sacrifice himself so Steve can be put back on the police force? Reward money goes to Steve to help Timmy, but being a good cop, Steve smells a rat. When a double cross is exposed, the betrayal may right a lot of wrongs. But will the Whistler hold yet a final twist to make a Merry Christmas story all the merrier? Note: Though uncredited, the voice of Steve Bradley sounds like it’s Gerald Moore.

 Molle Mystery Theater – The Letter, AFRS. 441226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:38

An installment of the Mystery Playhouse, and introduced by Peter Lorre. A respected plantation owner, Jeff Hammond, is found murdered and now his trusted employee Robert is in the limelight with the cops. Was it self defense? There might be a chance to get off the hook, if only his wife can verify his story. In flashback we learn that Jeff tried to come on to Robert’s wife. In a heated moment to defend herself, gunshots ring out as she empties the pistol into the man. The police inspectors think the story is a little too simple. Can they tear it apart to find a deeper truth to the matter? Clues include a letter that might blow apart the whole alibi and murder motive. Will an emotional appeal help the investigation? What about a bribe? In the meantime before the trial, Leslie is held in jail. Though the prosecution seems certain, Robert still tries to sway witnesses with bribes. What does the letter say? Can it be intercepted? Though she gets off the charges, secrets play a reversal as the truth about an affair are exposed. Turmoil explodes as new tensions arise. Though Leslie is set free, will she remain a prisoner of her own guilt and memories?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Mcgee Controls His Temper. ep420, 441226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:26

Moaning about his bad luck, Fibber tells about all that went wrong for him today. Molly hears it all, from pajama troubles, to his fountain pen, the news paper, and more. Using her feminine wiles, she calms Fibber’s savage beast. Will he make good on turning over a new leaf? With all the apologizing going on, Alice Darlin has to apologize to Fibber. Will the use of his razor to shave coconuts rile him up again? After sharing a punny moment of survival by a soldier friend, Billy Mills plays, Parade of the Wooden Soldiers. The bad news keeps coming for Fibber. Even Beulah has done things to try the limits of Fibber’s explosive temper. What about Harlowe Wilcox? Will his word from the sponsor get under Fibber’s skin? Though Beulah gets to talk to the McGee’s directly, the news is still the kind to try Fibber’s patience. The Kingsmen sing, Accentuate the Positive. Discussion of closing horse race tracks brings a moment of humor, but leads to more bad news from Molly. Doc Gamble arrives, and is surprised over the nice treatment that Fibber gives him. Will the insults from doc push Fibber over the edge, and fire up a new string of temper fueled insults? To wrap up the short show, with commercials removed for the AFRS, the Kingsmen sing, Singing Down the Road.

 Mary Lee Taylor Show – Christmas Story. 481225 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

A special show with no visit with the Carters, and no recipe. Just a few carols, and sentimental momentts. Mary Lee facilitates as she introduces Vic Demoan and the Serenaders who sing the playlist. * A medley of Winter Wonderland, and Jingle Bells. * Joy to the World. * O Little Town of Bethlehem. * Noel. * It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. * Hark the Herald Angels Sing. * Angels We Have Heard on High. * Deck the Halls. * God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. * A medley of nursery rhymes to include: Humpty Dumpty, Bo Peep, and lots more. * White Christmas. * Mary Lee is back to tell a favorite Christmas story. Over a hundred years earlier, in the snow covered Alps, kids played in the festively decorated valley. A priest’s sermon preparation is interrupted by a call to visit a baby and its mother. The events inspire a song that he penned, and shared with a musician friend. The song was, Silent Night. * The Serenaders sing, Silent Night. * Mary Lee shares one final Christmas wish for listeners.

 Lum and Abner – Part1 Lum’s Bank. 440300 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:10

In the jot Em Down store, the gents go over the books to try and straighten them out. We learn they had opened a bank, and were fined $10 for disturbing the peace. The matter gets Abner confused over throwing train engineers off their trains, or putting Lum out to pasture like an old fire horse. Going over their bank ledgers, it seems that Cedric is the only one who writes checks. All for five cents. Why so many? Why for only a nickel each? A phone call summons Lum to a board of directors meeting in the county seat. He’s bound to be appointed president of the branch… right? The gents count the money they imagine they’re sure to be making now, and in the banking business for only two weeks. Back to checking those figures, and all those checks that Cedric is writing.

 Bob Hope (Pepsodent Preview) – Camp Roberts with Betty Hutton. 420222 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:13

Bob jokes about traveling to the camp. Buglers, Crosby horses, and more military related topics. Craps games, barracks life, mess hall, etc. Francis Langford,with the Six Hits and a Miss sing, Daydreaming. Patsie Kelley, former cast member of 3 years ago, jokes with Bob on Army camp life. Military bearing, athletics, being drafted, etc. Rubber and tire shortage, uniforms, jeeps, making movies, etc. First aid classes, and bandaging. Kolonna joins his old cast member for love and insults. Betty Hutton sings, Arthur Murray Taught Me Dancing in a Hurry In the ongoing dramatized version of Bob’s life, he has joined the army. On a dinner date, Patsy, Francis, and Betty entertain soldiers. The girls joke about their recent soldier dates. The lottery of dates fall to Bob, Skinny, and Jerry is the cook. Outside, the guys talk about their recent dating misadventures as they approach. Arriving, the dating jokes and insults fly. Kolonna has food mix ups and mishaps in the kitchen.

 The Saint (CBS) Nineteen Santa Clauses. 471224 (retro610) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:59

Simon dresses up as Santa for a charitable cause, but he needs a little help in filling out hiw suit, and his ho ho ho. A dame, claiming to be Sally, barges in with a gun, but doesn\t have the heart to use it. When more visitors come, Sally flees the scene. Then Mr Hudsondemands the same kind of package as Sally, though its a matter that Simon knos nothing about. Was it Sally’s gunshot from the kitchen that frightened away the insistent Hudson? Checking up on Sally’s workplace, the santa suited Simon finds a wisecracking butler, and missing jewels from the swanky high rise penthouse. Joined by his cabbie friend Louie, Simon chases the trail to another apartment on the low rent side of town, and the body of the missing santa. Putting the squeeze on their man, Simon begins to unravel a tangled mess of a love triangle. Now it\s a matter of following their noses to a killer. Danger awaits before the crime is solved, but will Simon ever make it to the job he originally took on to dress as santa? Bonus Tracks * Keith reviews the show, then a few facts that listeners, and visitors to the site did to make the podcast great this year. * Hungry for Music – Christmas In Jail

 Our Miss Brooks – The Magic Christmas Tree. ep110, 501224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Putting up her tree, Connie Brooks corrects her landlady, and informs her its called a Friendship tree, instead. Mrs Davis tells about her absent minded sister Angela. What does Connie have planned? Just staying home for a quiet evening while all her friends go out of town on their celebrations. Dozing In the rocking chair with Minerva the cat, Connie finds a boy at the door, selling Christmas trees. He won’t take no for an answer, and drives a hard bargain. As Connie sat, rocked, and looked at the tree she just bought, it seemed to have a glow about it. Her dozing comes to an end when Walter Denton shows up full of holiday cheer. After exchanging a few sentiments, others come knocking at her door. More of her friends stop by, including her as part of their holiday festivities. The Conklin, and even Mr Boynton have had a sudden change of plans. Soon the glow of that Christmas tree affects the guests with added cheer, and festive attitudes. Including Boynton putting the moves on Connie for a change. Its all too good, is it just a dream? Maybe… maybe not.

 Jack Benny – Christmas Open House At Jack’s. ep354, 391224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:57

Don whisks us to Jack’s home in Beverly Hills where Rochester sings as he trims the tree. How are Trudy the ostrich, and Carmichael the polar bear doing? Mary enters to comment on the gifts, and sale of ostrich plumes. Guests begin arriving when Dennis shows up with his mother. Don enters with six little gift wrapped boxes, trudy races through the room, then Dennis sings a medley including, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Noel, and Away in a Manger. Waiting for Phil and Andy, Jack reveals that turkey hash is on the menu. Jack claims his sister, and other relatives may appear. When Phil arrives, he complains about Jacks gift last year. Jack offers to take Florence and Leonard to see his movie set, then it’s time to eat. Trudy still races around the house, then Phil plays, he meal is in full swing, and Leonard is starting to lose his thrill at being in Hollywood. Andy arrives, and party games are to begin. News is revealed that Jack is to make a movie with Fred Allen. Jack phones the studio to try and clear the matter up, allegedly to protestInteruptions run rampant. Mr Billingsley, the boarder pops in, Trudy starpedes through, and more. Note: Mary uses the term,Paper hanger. It’s a slang word for a forger, or writing bad checks. Florence, and her husband Leonard are actors, not actually Jack’s relatives.

 Phil Harris – Annual Christmas Show With Andy Devine. ep160, 501224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Getting the house cleaned for Christmas, the girls ask to stay up to meet Santa when he comes. Will Phil’s plan to dress up be believable? Alice has a gripe about Phil’s lyrics for Jingle Bells, and runs out to phone Don Wilson about playing Santa. Frankie arrives with a gift for Phil, but scoffs at hiring a Santa, just wait for the real thing to show up. Though Willie drops the ball by bringing home a 2 foot tall, shocking pink Christmas tree, he volunteers to play Santa. Alice sings, Santa Claus is Coming to Town. At Julius store, Phil buys the right Christmas tree. Later, the tree is trimmed, but there’s no sign of the substitute Santa. Andy Divine shows up to play the role, but will the girls believe he’s the real thing? Julius pops in, and isn’t fooled. The girls are polite, but know who’s in the suit. Phil tells the poem, Twas the Night Before Christmas that fades into an appearance by the real Santa. In epilog, Phil tells about his successful campaign to help make Christmas merry for needy children.

 Great Gildersleeve – Twas the Night Before Christmas. ep149, 441224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:58

With the infamy of woman, and the ingratitude of man hanging over his head, Gildersleeve has had little time to think about Christmas. It takes some compassion from his family, and some enthusiasm from Leroy to lift his spirits. But its news from judge Hooker that really gets Gildy up and going. Out shopping, Gildy invites Leila Ransom over for a Christmas party. Floyd the barber shares his troubles, and is invited along with Peavey. What kind of quiet Christmas customs does the old druggist have with his wife? It’s Christmas Eve, and Gildy reads the poem, Twas the Night Before Christmas. After dinner, the guests begin arriving. Gifts are exchanged, but the ladies better watch out in the house strewn with mistletoe. The rest show up in the form of the caroling Jolly Boys club, and soon the gang is singing around the piano, Joy to the World. Gildy shares a holiday word for peace to return all over the world, and the audience is asked to join with the singing.

 Mary Lee Taylor Show – Home For Christmas. 481217 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:42

Ever since Sally left her home in Midland, there has been ill feelings between her father and her husband Jim. Her mom visits, and she compares notes on the trouble spent in providing home made strained baby food, and all the dresses and petticoats Sally had as a baby. Times have changed since then, and Sally won’t have to worry over so much of that. The audio breaks up a little, as the ladies talk about the well intended efforts of Sally’s dad. He was only trying to get her to stay with them as Jim took the job in Capital City. Sally is perfectly content to stay in her humble little apartment, for Christmas. Meanwhile, when mom goes home, she tries to get dad to apologize, and invite Sally and Jim to come home for the holiday. Everyone in the apartment is leaving for the holiday. Will the lack of neighbors encourage the Carters to go home… despite the bad blood? Between Sally and her mom, a campaign of subtle coaxing begins. Will the wiles of the women folk pay off? Egg nog. To go with a cool glass of egg nog, Mary tells a few extra snacks to go along with it. Cookies, cake, and nuts.All are items recently given in the program lately. Grab your pencils to get these simple inbgredients, and instructions to make egg nog. Mary Lee also offers options, to make it picture perfect, and recommendations for chilling the mixture just right before serving. And for those who want thir nog with a little extra, she suggests just the right amount of alcohol to add in. Happiness recipeP Money can buy much for the body, some for the mind, but not much for the soul.

 The Cinnamon Bear – North Pole. ep26, 371224 (RetroPlus) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:47

Transcript: Episode 26 @ SilentPhotoplay Blog SilentPhotoplayForum Cast: Judy: Barbara Jean Wong Jimmy: Unknown Cinnamon Bear (Paddy O’Cinnamon): Buddy Duncan, Crazy Quilt Dragon: Joseph Kearnes. Just as Santa has taken off for his Christmas ride, the Crazy Quilt Dragon, once again has the Silver Star and is on the run. What would make him do such a thing? Crazy Quilt tries to make his get away by climbing the North Pole. There is a last minute tangle, and then… Hey, what do you expect? A sad ending? Jim and Judy are back at home, and try to tell their mom about their adventures. It couldn’t have been only a dream… could it? Note: Looking for more Cinnamon Bear stuff?Bear Facts is the one stop place for story books, coloring books, and tons of cool Cinnamon Bear stuff.


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