The Saint (CBS) Nineteen Santa Clauses. 471224 (retro610)

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Simon dresses up as Santa for a charitable cause, but he needs a little help in filling out hiw suit, and his ho ho ho. A dame, claiming to be Sally, barges in with a gun, but doesn\t have the heart to use it. <br> When more visitors come, Sally flees the scene. Then Mr Hudsondemands the same kind of package as Sally, though its a matter that Simon knos nothing about. Was it Sally’s gunshot from the kitchen that frightened away the insistent Hudson? <br> Checking up on Sally’s workplace, the santa suited Simon finds a wisecracking butler, and missing jewels from the swanky high rise penthouse. Joined by his cabbie friend Louie, Simon chases the trail to another apartment on the low rent side of town, and the body of the missing santa. <br> Putting the squeeze on their man, Simon begins to unravel a tangled mess of a love triangle. Now it\s a matter of following their noses to a killer. Danger awaits before the crime is solved, but will Simon ever make it to the job he originally took on to dress as santa? <br> Bonus Tracks<br> <br> * Keith reviews the show, then a few facts that listeners, and visitors to the site did to make the podcast great this year.<br> * Hungry for Music – Christmas In Jail<br> <br>