Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Great Gildersleeve – Visit by Aunt Hattie. ep155, 450204 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

For a week, Aunt Hattie has been visiting, to help straighten out Leroy and Marjorie. Her strict enforcement of table manners and protocol of all sorts has even gotten under the skin of Birdie and Gildersleeve. Birdie tries to stick up for the hardworking Gildy, but Hattie feels that keeping a schedule is for everybody. Her quiet routine is cramping everybody’s style, but for the sake of their house guest, Gildy enforces her wishes. When she contradicts Gildy’s disciplinary measures, he storms off to Peavey’s drugstore. Does she have a point about corporal punishment? Gildy thinks he knows a way to demonstrate his point to Leroy. Too bad Leroy never read Louisa Mae Alcott. The cramped styles even spill over to the judge, when Gildy isn’t allowed to go to the movies with him. The family enjoy a quiet music night together. What about a nice rousing round of reciting poetry? Leila Ransom visits, but Gildy has to turn her down for the movies too. The fickle dame doesn’t understand the polite brush off isn’t anything personal. At the end of the day, when the kids are in bed, will Gildy be forced into a nice game of cribbage, just to be polite to Hattie? Does she have any business advising who he should, or should not date?

 Phil Harris – Helping Alice With The Household Budget. ep166, 510204 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:27

With food prices skyrocketing, Alice wants to reduce the budget. Phil confuses her desire to reduce with going on a diet, and she pokes fun at his age. Naturally, Willie has something to say about high prices. Can Phil buy a week’s worth of groceries for $10 or less? That would be quite a feat, even for 1951 dollars. Frankie enters to get the scoop from Phil about the bickering over the grocery bill. Alice sings, I Hear Singing. Rising to the challenge to snip the budget from $35 to only $5, Phil and Frankie do the shopping. Alice tags along in disbelief. What kinds of deals will be found at Joe’s Supermarket and Reclaimed Food? Phil figures a wholesale house will do the trick. Doesn’t that mean he has to buy in bulk? Phil sings, Possibilities. To store the hundreds of pounds of meat he bought, Phil sets out to buy a commercial deep freeze. Despite wanting a legitimate dealer, Frankie knows a guy… and Grogan has just what he wants Phil to need. At home the meat has been delivered, along with Julius, who adds to the comedy of errors. Julius gets to test the walk in freezer, but it turns out to be a… well, just listen to the episode to figure it out. Note: Frank Nelson is the grocery store owner, Joe. Sidney Sheldon is IJ Grogan.

 Shadow – The Ruby Of Caraval (Modoc). ep9, 371121 (retro616) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:30

Some sources list this show as I have in the title, but others list it as The Ruby of Caraval, which is how it’s announced in the show itself. It’s likely also misdated, and should be 471121. You can hear this show without the opening content by Keith and the Retrobots elsewhere on the site. Search for the show title, Ruby of Modoc. My original show notes: A car crash draws the attention of lawyer, Lamonte Cranston, and his secretary, Margot Lane. The petty burglar who died in the wreck is found with a valuable ruby that has an ancient curse on it. As Lamonte investigates, more details about the ruby and its strange curse emerge. The ruby is returned to the famous actor who recently owned it, but is the curse causing deadly terror? What is really going on with the gunshots in the actor’s mansion, and the murder? The Shadow knows. Spooky things are afoot, and the truth of the mystery will be revealed when you listen in to join the Shadow as he lays his trap for the bad guys, and exposes the secret of the curse. PS: Although, if you ask me, the killer is pretty dumb in his attempt to kill everybody in the house to try to get the ruby. Note: Here’s why I think the date is wrong… The sound quality seems to be right for the era, but at the time, Orson Wells was the voice of the Shadow. Also, near the end Margot Lane clearly mentions the year being 1947. The calendar date fits in better with being an episode from 1947 as well. Bonus Tracks * Keith takes a voicemail messge, (401)753-4844, and responds with today’s feature. * We also share a few items happening in the world news at the time this show likely aired in 1947. * Ain’t Nobody Here But Us Chickens – Louis Jordan 1947 * When the Retrobots have a small disagreemen, Keith steps in with, Feudin’ And Fightin’ – Dorothy Shay 1947

 Sherlock Holmes – Accidental Murderess. ep191, 451126 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

Taking a well deserved rest, Holmes and Watson attended a Shakespearean festival. The beauty of the place is enough to make Holmes almost wish he was a man of wealth. The luxuriant peacefulness ends when a gunshot echoes near our detectives. Though hit in the shoulder, Holmes seems unhurt as he listens to the rabbit hunters. His collapse startles Watson, but Holmes later reveals he had a reason for feigning his collapse. Mrs Markham has crossed paths with Holmes in the past. Were there other accidental mishaps with firearms then too? Believing Sherlock to be laid up, Watson is invited to join the Markhams and actor friends, and admires hunting trophies. Concern that Mrs Markham might be planning to kill her husband is uncovered. Holmes reveals evidence about his shooting that escalates the possibility of danger. Back at the Markham home, Mr Markham accuses his wife of pushing him into the lake. A large life insurance policy, on top of a suspected affair with an actor seems to be more than enough motive. Holmes returns , and hasn’t been idle in investigating. What cards does he have up his sleeve? Not only does Sherlock have the matter figured out, he is able to prevent a murder, he resolves a few other loose ends.

 Wild Bill Hickock – One More To Get. ep95, 521010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:23

Texas rail men need the relentless Wild Bill to get bandits who place the lines. On the train, aunt Sara manages to milk Jinglees for information about the gang, though Bill prefers he keep things quiet. When the bandits strike, Bill is recognized. He lost his element of surprise, and caught in the crowded passenger car, he can do little. Watching for his opening, Bill thwarts the efforts with good old fashioned fist fighting, but the gang leader gets away. Aunt Sara isn’t discriminating when she dotes on the hand cuffed prisoners, helping Jingles to guard them. Have the good guys been lulled into complacency? Will Bill be in danger as he pursues Roman Gall? The chase is on to get to the hideout. Using some sneaky tricks of his own, Bill gets the jump on Gall. The advantage is short lived when the gang catches up, but will Jingles save the day, or will he and Bill end up in trouble? Stand by for lots of fist fighting, gun shooting action before its all done.

 Lum and Abner – Squire Thinks Lum And Abner Are Rich. 440427 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Dreams of wealth have come crashing down. The box of treasure the gents found was discovered to be worthless. Tom Foster is on the phone to ask for donations to the church. How can Lum face up to letting the town know their treasure is worthless? Will Lum try to still put on a good front, and pretend they were rich? Lum doubtds any of the rest of the stuff is worth anything either. Now he’s back to mistrusting the kindly old farmer. Has he cheated them? Abner is optimistic that the ceap stuff was buried on top. The good stuff must be buried underneath it. Folks in town are pleasant, but the gents gripe about everyone thinking they’re rich and having a hand out. Squire comes around to ask about their wealth. What is he up to? Does he still expect a piece of the pie, even after selling out his part of the treasure company? His investment might be the way for Lum and Abner to get out of the embarrassment of the company free and clear.

 Whitehall 1212 – Case of the Black Gladstone Bag. ep18, 520323 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

A black Gladstone bag ties Dignam to a murder. He was a short man, with a short wife, but had a preference for tall women. The bag, and its bloody contents date back to 1924. The dapper, persuasive talker finds himself in Scotland Yard, after Mrs Digman suspected him of cheating on her. Are the contents, and the bag his own? They seem to be, but Dignam doesn’t have an explanation for the blood. Uncomfortable, long silence does wonders to get Dignam to make his statement. He describes the perfect little get away cottage, but was awakened by a tramp. After grappling with the larger man, who was killed, he panicked. Is he telling the tale truthfully? Evidence of another woman enters the picture. The owner of the rental cottage adds more pieces to the mystery, claiming Dignam was with his tall, blonde wife. No sign of any other men. Inspecting the crime scene, on the dismal little beach, the disheveled room is just as the statement described. But will the scene tell the exact same story? Is it possible to tell the difference between a male and female body if destroyed by fire? The technology of the day says, no. Matilda Manning enters the story, distraught that her daughter has been killed by Dignam. What makes her think that? More charges pile up against the little man for legal gambling. Forensics evidence still provides enough proof of a woman’s presence, and holes knocked into his story are more than enough to link him to murder.

 Richard Diamond – Caspary Case. 510202 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:50

A woman comes to Richard for protection. She secretly witnessed her husband plotting to kill her, but there’s more to it than that. When Dick goes to investigate, he gets a thump on the head, and wakes as the prime suspect in a murder. It seems he didn’t protect his client very well, but the cops let him go to help uncover the real killer. After surviving more thumps, and rough treatment, Dick gets away and turns to the night club scene. Will the torch singer in the club be able to help with answers? With the unintended help of a cute hat check girl, Dick puts an end to his bad guy. Note: Arthur Q Brian is the police investigator. William Conrad is the business partner of the gambler, Caspary.

 Jack Benny – Pinocchio. 400331 (RV48 retro615) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:55

A new star has bloomed over the horizons, as Don introduces the star of the new feature, June Moon. Jack tells about his ordeal in being on Orson Welles recent production. Though Don’s praise is flattering, Mary could hit Jack over the head with a flute. As Dennis Day enters, Jack tells about dumping his waitress girlfriend, Gladys. Sunspots have made the news, with radio interference. Is this another prank by Orson? Jack phones him to find out. As the call degrades, Phil Harris is called upon to play, Relax. Jack announces the play, his version of Disney’s beloved tale, Pinocchio. Parts are assigned, and the play begins, right after a song by Dennis, When You Wish Upon a Star. Toymaker Jack puts the finishing touches on his creations when Mary Cricket visits, followed by the blue fairy, to grant a wish. The cast breaks out in song with, Give a Little Whistle. Going to school, Pinocchio Jack is warned of the evil influences of Fred Allen, but who are those boys who are approaching? Phil and Dennis are vaudevillians who try to lure Jack away from a school career. The cast sing, An Actors Life for Me. Giving up the roaming life, Pinocchio returns to the toy shop to find the blue fairy, but no father. Going to the depths of the sea, Pinocchio searches for his father. Will father and son be reunited? Will the blue fairy still have some magic to lend a hand? Note: Mary Kelley is the blue fairy, and an old girlfriend of Jack’s. The main reason they didn’t get married was due to religious differences of their families. Bonus Tracks * Keith shares some differences in the original fairy tale of Pinocchio, and the violence that was softened for the Walt Disney production. Of course, Jack always has his own spin on the featured play. The tune, When You Wish Upon a Star won the Oscar for best song, and became a hit in the year 1940. * Another hit of 1940: Beat Me Daddy Eight To The Bar – Andrews Sisters

 Show # 820- New Buried Songs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Classic rock n roll songs, with titles of other songs buried in the tune.

 Lum and Abner – Cedric Is President Of Lost Treasure Company. 440403 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

The latest business venture isn’t going so well. We find Lum on the phone with Squire. The need is to get more investors for the treasure company. With Cedric as their sole investor, and with the overwhelming amount of his investment, he gets the power of the most votes. When he enters, what does he want? Another jar of peanut butter? Cedric demands to have his cash returned, otherwise he might have to sue the president of the company. With Squire holding the purse strings, are there any funds to offer? How might Lum and Abner stall him off. There isn’t enough in their own till to cover the amount. What if Lum offers the position of president to Cedric. Will the power of having the vote impress him? A business meeting of the officers is called to order. Will the figurehead power of Lum and Abner be able to stand against Cedric’s five votes? Will there be a law suit pending for the president of the company Has his newly discovered power gone to president Wehandt’s head?

 Burns and Allen – The Man From MGM. 421103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:27

In the cigar shop, George runs into an old friend. Lester is a plumbber at the studio. Wanting to keep his trade a secret, he agrees to go home with George for dinner. Just Gracie’s luck. The day her sink is backed up. Led to believe Lester is a big movie exec, she calls Tootsie to try to get her into pictures. The movie theme becomes part of the sponsor message with Bill Goodwin. Jimmy Cash sings, Dearly Beloved. Gracie wants to use movie lingo to make the alleged movie exec feel at home. Herman the duck is sent to bed, Tootsi arrives and gets beauty tips. Mix ups ensue when the plumber thinks Herman is a boy, instead of a duck. And though he’s told Gracie knows his occupation, she still thinks Lester iss in the movie busisiness. Backed up by Paul Whiteman, the Six Hits and a Miss sing, Pass the Ammunition. The party is in full swing, utt the confused Lester is besieged with requests to give parts to Tootsie and Bill. Will Gracie learn what Lester really does? Will Tootsie be happy as a plumber’s helper? Will Lester get a word in edgewise? In epilog, Gracie pitches the need to save cooking fat for the war effort.

 Show # 815: New Years Newbies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Songs that entered the top 100 for the first time the first week of the New Year from the 1950's - 1960's

 Campbell Playhouse – Charles Dickens, the Christmas Carol. Undated (RV46, retro611) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:10

A classic tale that everybody is probably familiar with. Done in many styles, ttold, and re-told through the decades. This episode from an undated time was probably from the 1940’s. Scrooge proves to be an old, miserly skinflint. Warned by the ghost of his deceased, former partner of visits through the night, Scrooge goes on a personal journey of transformation. He is reminded of his past, and what he lost in pursuit of his career. He is shown the happiness of those in his present, happy though they don’t conform to his idea of wealth and success. Finally, he is shown his future. Will the warning serve to truly change Scrooge for the better? Second chances at change are always at hand in the present for all who decide a better direction is needed. Bonus Tracks * The old Retrobots give our old site and email. Visit at your own risk, but emails will not be monitored. * Ethyl Merman – Silver Bells * A Dramatized fragment of Handel’s Messiah. * Voices_of_Christmas_Past_1898_to_1922 22_Noel_64kb * Keith introduces the show, commenting on the old presentations, but turning on alittle reflection of the year, and reminds listeners of the various channels on the site.

 Big Town – Dangerous Resolution. 481228. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

A man makes a New Year Resolution to leave the mob. But will the mob resolve to let him go? The guy is just a truck driver, and only on the fringes of the mobs criminal activity. With pressure from his girlfriend, he promises to leave the mob after this latest job,and as his New Years Resolution. The mobster doesn’t want to lose a good man, and now thinks the girlfriend is both an influence to take him away, and might know too much about the gang activities. Meanwhile, Van’s mom goes to Steve Wilson with her concerns. She’s a cleaning lady at the news paper. She shares her hopes that her son will go straight. Suddenly, the girlfriend, Vicky phones mom at work to tell about the crime that just went wrong, and the worry that Van may be the driver of the truck. There was a shoot out and a murder, so now Van will be in big trouble. Steve is on the move, and acting swiftly. Steve goes to talk to Vicky to both get information from her, and make her aware of the danger she may be in if the mobster finds out that she knows what she knows. Too late,he already figures her out and sends a car for her. Acting as bait, Steve tails her to the hide out. He sends his friend, Harry the Hack, a cab driver, to get reinforcements from the cops, but Steve plans on rushing in like gangbusters if he has to. The mobster goes into damage control to ditch the truck, and truck driver. It takes pressure of threatening Vicky, and even knocking off his own girlfriend. Where is Steve Wilson? Don’t worry, when he see’s his chance, he steps in to the rescue. He talks a good talk, and is brave in the face of the mobsters gun, but all he can really do is delay until the cops get on the scene. Still, can Steve talk his way clear, and do his thing to disarm the thug? The exciting climax is yet to come, so listen in and see how Steve saves the day. Will he even need the cops? Will the truck driver get off the hook? With Steve to vouch for him, he stands a decent chance.


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