Lum and Abner – Cedric Is President Of Lost Treasure Company. 440403

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The latest business venture isn’t going so well. We find Lum on the phone with Squire. The need is to get more investors for the treasure company. With Cedric as their sole investor, and with the overwhelming amount of his investment, he gets the power of the most votes. When he enters, what does he want? Another jar of peanut butter? <br> Cedric demands to have his cash returned, otherwise he might have to sue the president of the company. With Squire holding the purse strings, are there any funds to offer? How might Lum and Abner stall him off. There isn’t enough in their own till to cover the amount. <br> What if Lum offers the position of president to Cedric. Will the power of having the vote impress him? A business meeting of the officers is called to order. Will the figurehead power of Lum and Abner be able to stand against Cedric’s five votes? Will there be a law suit pending for the president of the company Has his newly discovered power gone to president Wehandt’s head? <br> <br>