Great Gildersleeve – Visit by Aunt Hattie. ep155, 450204

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: For a week, Aunt Hattie has been visiting, to help straighten out Leroy and Marjorie. Her strict enforcement of table manners and protocol of all sorts has even gotten under the skin of Birdie and Gildersleeve. Birdie tries to stick up for the hardworking Gildy, but Hattie feels that keeping a schedule is for everybody. Her quiet routine is cramping everybody’s style, but for the sake of their house guest, Gildy enforces her wishes. <br> When she contradicts Gildy’s disciplinary measures, he storms off to Peavey’s drugstore. Does she have a point about corporal punishment? Gildy thinks he knows a way to demonstrate his point to Leroy. Too bad Leroy never read Louisa Mae Alcott. <br> The cramped styles even spill over to the judge, when Gildy isn’t allowed to go to the movies with him. The family enjoy a quiet music night together. What about a nice rousing round of reciting poetry? Leila Ransom visits, but Gildy has to turn her down for the movies too. The fickle dame doesn’t understand the polite brush off isn’t anything personal. <br> At the end of the day, when the kids are in bed, will Gildy be forced into a nice game of cribbage, just to be polite to Hattie? Does she have any business advising who he should, or should not date? <br> <br>