Wild Bill Hickock – One More To Get. ep95, 521010

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Texas rail men need the relentless Wild Bill to get bandits who place the lines. On the train, aunt Sara manages to milk Jinglees for information about the gang, though Bill prefers he keep things quiet. When the bandits strike, Bill is recognized. He lost his element of surprise, and caught in the crowded passenger car, he can do little. <br> Watching for his opening, Bill thwarts the efforts with good old fashioned fist fighting, but the gang leader gets away. Aunt Sara isn’t discriminating when she dotes on the hand cuffed prisoners, helping Jingles to guard them. Have the good guys been lulled into complacency? Will Bill be in danger as he pursues Roman Gall? <br> The chase is on to get to the hideout. Using some sneaky tricks of his own, Bill gets the jump on Gall. The advantage is short lived when the gang catches up, but will Jingles save the day, or will he and Bill end up in trouble? Stand by for lots of fist fighting, gun shooting action before its all done. <br> <br>