Big Town – Dangerous Resolution. 481228.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A man makes a New Year Resolution to leave the mob. But will the mob resolve to let him go? The guy is just a truck driver, and only on the fringes of the mobs criminal activity. With pressure from his girlfriend, he promises to leave the mob after this latest job,and as his New Years Resolution. <br> The mobster doesn’t want to lose a good man, and now thinks the girlfriend is both an influence to take him away, and might know too much about the gang activities. <br> Meanwhile, Van’s mom goes to Steve Wilson with her concerns. She’s a cleaning lady at the news paper. She shares her hopes that her son will go straight. Suddenly, the girlfriend, Vicky phones mom at work to tell about the crime that just went wrong, and the worry that Van may be the driver of the truck. There was a shoot out and a murder, so now Van will be in big trouble. <br> Steve is on the move, and acting swiftly. Steve goes to talk to Vicky to both get information from her, and make her aware of the danger she may be in if the mobster finds out that she knows what she knows. Too late,he already figures her out and sends a car for her. Acting as bait, Steve tails her to the hide out. He sends his friend, Harry the Hack, a cab driver, to get reinforcements from the cops, but Steve plans on rushing in like gangbusters if he has to. <br> The mobster goes into damage control to ditch the truck, and truck driver. It takes pressure of threatening Vicky, and even knocking off his own girlfriend. Where is Steve Wilson? Don’t worry, when he see’s his chance, he steps in to the rescue. He talks a good talk, and is brave in the face of the mobsters gun, but all he can really do is delay until the cops get on the scene. <br> Still, can Steve talk his way clear, and do his thing to disarm the thug? The exciting climax is yet to come, so listen in and see how Steve saves the day. Will he even need the cops? Will the truck driver get off the hook? With Steve to vouch for him, he stands a decent chance.<br> <br>