Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Show # 825: The Big Hurt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What more can be said Fro Timi Yuro to Toni Fisher and all hurts in between. Two hours of 50's and 60's classics and even a few obscurities thrown in for good measure.

 Lets Pretend – Mell-A-Lot 470823 (retro620) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:50

Note: This is a little longer than my typical Retro Original installments. Please let me know how you liked the added content… or not. The pretenders ride in their brand new 1947 convertable cars to take us to fairy land. Once upon a time, three brothers had offended a witch, and are now facing their fate. her magic spell turns the handsome men into ugly, frog like creatures. Their fine home is turned into a mud hut. Time passes, and a girl seeks shelter from the raging storm outside. Help for the brothers can only come if it’s not asked for, or explained. It can only be volunteered, of free will. Mellalot is a brave girl, and has her own request of the ugly brothers. The storm has blown the roof off her house. The brothers make the repairs, and a grateful Mellalot can’t repay them, since she has nothing to offer in her humble cottage. How did bread and milk for the brothers appear out of nowhere? Her mothering instincts mean the brothers are shown hospitality, fed, and given a comfortable place to rest. The magical things keep coming when fairies get involved. Selfless deeds continue for the gentle and true Mellalot, and the brothers. Will their secrets be revealed? Will their spell be broken? What’s in it for Mellalot for all her help? Bonus Tracks * Keith tells about last month’s National Fairytale Telling Day, and a spontaneous tale, thanks to Facebook followers. * Also some personal thoughts on the Let’s Pretend series, * and a reminder of how to support the podcast financially, using the Piggy Bank icon, or Amazon ads.

 Wild Bill Hickock – A Dangerous Vacation. ep99, 521024 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:49

Even hard working law men need time to rest, and soothe aches and pains. At doctor’s orders, Jingles is told to take it easy. Try as they might, gunshots ring out to put an end to a day of relaxation. Some well placed shots from Bill send the bandits on the run. It’s now up to our heroes to rescue a lady from a run away buckboard wagon. What’s her story, and why were the bandits after her? Marjie’s dad was shot back at their gold claim. Is Jingles nerves up to lending a hand? Danger is sure to be waiting for them. Guns blaze as Bill and Jingles fight their way out of a trap. As Bill takes after the bandits, Jingles cares for the wounded miner. Fists fly, and guns blaze as first the bandits have the upper hand, then Bill and Jingles. Will they ever make it? Will Jingles get much of a vacation? The doctor seems pleased with the results of the quiet living.

 Dragnet – Big New Years. ep91, 510308 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:21

Homicide Detail. Thousands of people crowd the streets, and one of them is a killer. On the way back from dinner, Joe is invited to a party later at fellow cop’s house, Jack Connley. Joe describe how New Years is the hardest working day of the year for a cop. Responding to a shooting, Joe and Ben race their patrol car to the scene. Jack is the downed cop, but with the crowded street, nobody actually saw what happened. The festive atmosphere in the Connley home has the night ruined when Joe has to deliver the sad, somber news that Jack isn’t coming home. The manhunt continues, but leads all point back to a bar near the crime scene including a cabbie with a description of a goofed up man, acting queer. Why is the bar owner so reluctant to cooperate? A heroine addict is identified, and Joe is soon on his trail. In voiceover, Joe Friday describes the trail of clues. At a Salvation Army band meeting on the skid row street, Joe interviews a pusher who has gotten his act cleaned up. Though the informant thinks the sidewalk meetings would do well to save Harry’s soul, it’s not going to help keep him out of trouble with the law. A knock at the door, and Harry goes down in an explosion of gunfire and fists.

 X Minus One – A Gun For Dinosaur. ep41, 560307. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:08

A time traveling safari guide relates the technology of going back to hunt big game in a time long past. his client only wants to hang a dinosaur head on his wall. Another client, more brash, and independent, ruins the trip, taking shots lined up for the other client, and disobeying all the rules. When things get rough, lives are in the balance. will our safari members ourvive to return to their present time? Disgruntled at not having his way, and under pretense of making amends, the unruly client tries to slip back into the Cretatious period. there’s just one matter he didn’t count on, and meets with justice, the hard way.

 Lum and Abner – Lizabeth Finds Out. 440523 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

Though his father has yet to arrive, Abner frets over having to let his wife know. Today we find him talking with grandpap about a weight lifter in the clean and jerk competition. What is that anyway? Abner tries to compose a letter to his wife to break the news about his poppa coming, but grandpap keeps interrupting with facts about the weight lifter. The old gent wonders why Abner bothers with a letter, when he could just phone home. He also goes on about how he hates and dispises it when people interrupt, or read out loud crazy, unrelated facts. Forcing the issue, grandpap rings Lizabeth, and puts Abner on the spot with his wife. False starts abound as he works up courage to break the news of his poppa coming to town. Won’t grandpap bail him out? Will Abner’s agony ever end? Notable quote: Well I’ll be a monkeys knock kneed uncle. (Grandpap)

 Bob Hope (Pepsodent) ep158, Hollywood Canteen, Betty Davis. 421013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:46

Bob “Hollywood Canteen” Hope. Has returned home after touring military bases. He stills has a few military related jokes. Starlets, dating, uniforms, dancing, and military life are topics. Life in the Hollywood Canteen, with the starlets give way to red carpet affairs. Francis Langford sings, At Last. Bette Davis, president of the Hollywood Canteen, joins Bob to tell about her work there. How did the canteen get started? War bond sales, movie love scenes, women in the workforce, all make the topics. As Bob runs out of gas, he encounters a girl attendant at the pumps, Bette. Skinny Ennis sings, Kalamazoo. Meet the Navy, when Bob gives a chance for a Yeoman to talk to him on the stage. Wanting to meet a movie star, the sailor meets Vera Veg. Jerry Colonna is the waiter, and soon they are joined by Francis Langford and Skinny Ennis as well.

 Sherlock Holmes – Case of the Iron Box. ep196, 451231 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:11

Reliving another New Years eve, Watson tells about the one in 1899. On a train, and with several hours of travel ahead of them, Holmes hears the word on the latest mystery from Watson. A matter of an inheritance being passed on at the 21st birthday. How does a leap year figure to complicate the matter? Arriving at the castle, our sleuths are greeted warmly. The midnight ceremony means opening the iron box, and will officially announce a wedding engagement. Preparations are made, all the players in place, and excitement runs high. Holmes explains why 1900 is not a leap year, and Watson tells that the new century doesn’t actually begin until 1901. Disappointment falls on the young folks. Can Sherlock bring any resolution? As Watson tries his best to cheer up the young couple, a murder kicks up the stakes, and Holmes is in pursuit of a killer. Who pushed grandfather out the window, into the moat?

 Burns and Allen – Hats Off To Gracie. 400306. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:55

Gracie’s presidential campaign is going on, and she talks with the cast about being on the Jack Benny show the previous Sunday. Comparisons are made to the performers on each show, Gracie to Mary, Frank to Dennis, Truman to Don. Gracie also comments on the other programs that she has been on, and other celebrities she has ready to vote for her. Frank Parker sings, Lovely to Look At. Bubbles arrives with news from the campaign mailbag. She turns to arranging her Surprise Party convention. Jokes and puns abound, although George keeps trying to tell his own joke he never manages to finish it. Ray Noble plays, a composition from Indian Suite. Gracie introduces her campaign song, after joking around about other possibilities and an episode with a clumsy song writer. It’s the complete song, with the cast joining for different verses. Even George gets a chance to adlib a verse.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Cleaning Fibbers Closet. ep238, 400305 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:50

Billy Mills opens with, Shine. Fibber and Molly read the newspaper headlines. To solve a matter of confusion, the dictionary is needed from the hall closet. Despite the claim it’s locked, Molly proves it isn’t, and gets buried alive. Fibber wants to put it all back, but Molly wants to get rid of the stuff they don’t need. Teeny arrives to say she has to go back on a baby sitting deal with Fibber. Not to mention other troubles with her little brother. After a bit of hard sale from Harlowe Wilcox, the McGee’s look through their sentimental things, and the Old Timer visits. Will the McGee’s let him rent a room? He tells it the way he her’d it about the hit film, Gone with the Wind. Turning to the photo album, and family photos, the McGee’s are interrupted by Harlowe and another commercial. The next visitor is Gracie Allen. She tells about her campaign for president. Molly learns about the Surprise Party and the cabinet Gracie plans. The Kingsmen sing, Kapusalem. As the clean up continues, the phone rings. It’s Mirt the phone operator who tells hbout her missing uncle. Mrs Uppington arrives with news of a concert. Gildersleeve is next to interrupt. He spars with Fibber about their Boy Scout days. Once the closet is all packed back in, then Fibber remembers why he got into it to begin with. Stand by for more clean up. Note: Elsewhere on this site, or other places on the web, this show may be dated for the following week. The date indicated here is the correct one. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1482957434,1617092177,1570193932,1570198284"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Lum and Abner – Abner Can’t Tell Lizabeth About Phinus. 440522 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Abner’s father is expected in Pine Ridge any day, but he hasn’t arrived yet. Today we find Lum on the phone, taking orders. The beaded handbags are a way of Phinus being helpful, but it only stirs up trouble. What will the gents do with all the beaded handbags? Will there be conflict with Lizabeth over the bags, or with Phinus. Where will Phinus stay while he’s in town? Abner doesn’t want him, but trying to pawn him off on Lum doesn’t sit well with Lum. As crazy about each other as Abner claims. somehow Lizabeth and his poppa just can’t get along. Even after the farm tools to help her get along, Abner can’t figure why she won’t cooperate. Abner tells some of the things his poppa does that drives Lizabeth nuts. Just thinking of the potential conflict has him all choked up. In his mind, he already has her packed up, and moving to her brother’s down in Texas for the duration.

 Gunsmoke – The Hunter. 560304. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:46

An old buffalo hunter named Murdock is in the Long Branch Saloon, causing trouble for Matt. The old guy isn’t afraid of anybody, and ignores Matt’s warnings to keep away from the Indians, and to keep from stirring up trouble with them. Murdock is something of a legend on the plains, as Matt describes to Kitty. Matt suspects that Murdock has ulterior motives for being in Dodge City. Can Matt prevent Murdock from hunting the last of the buffalo to oblivion? Murdock seems to think the day of the Indian is over, but maybe his day has passed as well. Caught in an ambush, Matt has to use strategy to overcome the hunter who respects nothing but his own brand of law. As Matt runs into the hail of bullets, he gets an unexpected defender.

 Our Miss Brooks – The French Teacher. ep121, 510304 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Reviewing the events of her date, Connie Brooks tells Mrs Davis about seeing the movies with Mr Boynton. Will Connie be able to hire herself out as a tutor for a Frenchman? On the way to school, Walter shares that he thinks the exciting trip to Paris will be a great opportunity for a qualified teacher. Will there even be temptation for Mr Conklin to leave Madison high for a lucrative life in France? Will Boynton be grief stricken to hear that Connie may be leaving the country for a year? Will it force him to show his romantic side? Mr Bouvier is interested in Connie, but she needs to be fluent in French. The meeting at Connie’s house is arranged, and the clash in culture is about to begin. Crossed signals make the Frenchman think that Conklin is Connies dad, and Boynton is her husband. The assumed marriage could work in the favor of Connie and Boynton. What if they prove it, by claiming Walter is their son? One possible problem is in getting Conklin to cooperate.

 Phil Harris – Waiting For Darryl Zanuck’s Call . ep170, 510304 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:25

After making his film Wabash Avenue, a year and a half ago, Phil waits by the phone, hoping for word about making another. From their discussion of her duties on the set, apparently Darrel Zanuk may not have been entirely impressed with either Phil or Alice. Visiting the director in the studio, he is more impressed with getting Alice to come back to work. What would it take to make a movie of Alice’s life? Why doesn’t Phil have the same appeal as someone like Gregory Peck? Alice sings a medley, You’ll Never Know, and Alexanders Ragtime Band. Should Phil take the advice seriously and do something to change his face? Alice figures a good make up job is all it should take. Trying out new looks, will Phil be mistaken for Valentino? Frankie isn’t fooled, it’s Groucho, right? How about Louie Armstrong? Maybe a nose job would be an improvement? Not wanting any change, Alice phones to have the doctor do her a favor. Meanwhile, on the way Phil meets up with Julius. The jokes about altering appearances continues. Receding chins, wrinkles, nose jobs, and more. If Phil is beginning to have doubts, he should really think things through when Grogan hits the scene. Fast forward and the surgery has been a success, and what about that favor that Alice wanted?

 Jack Benny – Gracie Allen For President. ep364, 400303 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:37

Back in Hollywood after enjoying the winter sports in Yosemite, the cast teas Jack about his prowess on the slopes, and in doing it the hard way. Mary Livingstone, and Phil Harris turn the jokes towards being stingy as well. Dennis Day is still cheerful, and asks Jack about his accident. Before Dennis can sing, Don brings up Jack’s disappointments over not winning at the Academy Awards. Dennis sings, Make Love with a Guitar. The teasing over the Oscars continues. Mary tells secrets on Jacks disappointments, and bad behavior at the award ceremony. Could he have acted the parts in some of the hit boviesbetter than the leading men in them? Jack tries to introduce the play, but Andy Devine pops in for an appearance. He tells about the vaudeville act that he and his family have put together. After an interruption from a telegram from Jack’s father, Phil Harris plays, I Got My Eyes on You. Jack wants to clarify whether Phil is recycling his band numbers, but Phil has to ask the boys in the band. Jack keeps trying to introduce the play, but this time he’s interrupted by Gracie Allen. She tells about her presidential campaign. The matter of tossing her hat into the ring gets Gracie and Mary in a discussion of styles and fashions. Can she count on the cast, and the Waukegan vote for support? Even Jack’s abbreviated play is interrupted with a phone call from Rochester. Carmichael the polar bear is fighting with Trudy the ostrich.


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