Dragnet – Big New Years. ep91, 510308

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Homicide Detail. Thousands of people crowd the streets, and one of them is a killer. <br> On the way back from dinner, Joe is invited to a party later at fellow cop’s house, Jack Connley. Joe describe how New Years is the hardest working day of the year for a cop. Responding to a shooting, Joe and Ben race their patrol car to the scene. Jack is the downed cop, but with the crowded street, nobody actually saw what happened. <br> The festive atmosphere in the Connley home has the night ruined when Joe has to deliver the sad, somber news that Jack isn’t coming home. The manhunt continues, but leads all point back to a bar near the crime scene including a cabbie with a description of a goofed up man, acting queer. Why is the bar owner so reluctant to cooperate? A heroine addict is identified, and Joe is soon on his trail. <br> In voiceover, Joe Friday describes the trail of clues. At a Salvation Army band meeting on the skid row street, Joe interviews a pusher who has gotten his act cleaned up. Though the informant thinks the sidewalk meetings would do well to save Harry’s soul, it’s not going to help keep him out of trouble with the law. A knock at the door, and Harry goes down in an explosion of gunfire and fists. <br> <br>