Bob Hope (Pepsodent) ep158, Hollywood Canteen, Betty Davis. 421013

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Bob “Hollywood Canteen” Hope. Has returned home after touring military bases. He stills has a few military related jokes. Starlets, dating, uniforms, dancing, and military life are topics. Life in the Hollywood Canteen, with the starlets give way to red carpet affairs. <br> Francis Langford sings, At Last. Bette Davis, president of the Hollywood Canteen, joins Bob to tell about her work there. How did the canteen get started? War bond sales, movie love scenes, women in the workforce, all make the topics. As Bob runs out of gas, he encounters a girl attendant at the pumps, Bette. Skinny Ennis sings, Kalamazoo. <br> Meet the Navy, when Bob gives a chance for a Yeoman to talk to him on the stage. Wanting to meet a movie star, the sailor meets Vera Veg. Jerry Colonna is the waiter, and soon they are joined by Francis Langford and Skinny Ennis as well. <br> <br>