Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Quiet Please – Baker’s Dozen. ep33, 480119 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:16

Ernest Chapel is a former baker, who is a heavy drinker and a little late for his appointment to jury duty. Trying to listen through the fog of his hangover he is stunned to learn he’s the 13th juror. Why is is wife on the stand? His confusion clears enough to realize there’s a reason nobody else knows he’s the 13th juror, and why they can’t hear his comments. Is his wife really confessing that she killed him? From her testimony, would anybody blame her? Despite the violent outburst, the couple really do love each other. Leaving the courtroom,, its almost as if Elsa can look right at Ernest, and he walks her home in the cold snowy weather… or does he?

 Show # 829: THe New Name Game | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

No Johnny's or Bobby's here some of the n=more unusual names in song.

 Lum and Abner – The Man Who Came To Dinner. 440608 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Lum hears how each of the old gents, Phinus and grandpap, couldn’t stand to hear the other read from the almanac. The latest thing that has Abner worried is who the next stranger that old Phinus will bring home for supper. Poppa just loves to bring those fellers home, thinking he knows them, but can anything be done to stop the habit? Lum recommends to keep Phinus away from the barber shop, or other hangouts in town. The kind of crowd he keeps is the kind who voted for McKinnley. One problem is that Phinus turns in early for bed, leaving Abner in an awkward spot to entertain the guest he doesn’t know. You’d think folks would have enough sense to go home, but no. they keep hanging on. With a new stranger in town, Abner just knows he’ll end up at his house for supper. He and Lum describe the man, as he is seen lurking on the street. Abner jumps to conclusions. A phone call from Lizabeth solves all Abner’s worries… sort of.

 Lone Ranger – Aztec Mystery. 430329. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

On a small strip of land between Mexico and Arizona lay an area that was claimed by neither country. Though now uninhabited, a couple of horseback riders are in search of the old temples that are said to hav been built there by the Aztecs, and the secrets of El Mundo. Tonto rides into the desert town of El Pass, in search of a man named Jeb Smith. Jeb is a man who is said to have lived in town for 20 years, and is a friend of the Lone Ranger, but suddenly he is acting crazy, not recognizing anybody, and babbling about being hundreds of years old. Tonto rides away to meet up with Dan Reed and Lone Ranger, who are camped near by in the desert. The Lone Ranger had also been out on the trail and tells what he discovered about some missing outlaws. Tonto foresees a storm brewing, and as the Lone Ranger heads to Jeb Smith’s ranch, even Silver is a little nervous. A body is found, just as a posse rides up to catch the Lone Ranger. How convenient. The Lone Ranger resists arrest, and manages to gather information about who it was that sent them to the ranch right at that time . What weird things are going on here? Missing bandits, people acting like zombies, ancient Aztec ruins, is there something sinister and supernatural happening? Who is El Mundo, and why is the Lone Ranger such a threat to his operation? Once again lurking in town, Tonto learns some important information about Jeb Smith’s niece. She claims to want the help of the Lone Ranger to break up the evil, supernatural plans of El Mundo. Isn’t she the same woman who was talking to the wierd cult leader earlier in the show? She’s up to something, and the Lone Ranger suspects it, but uses her information to move in. Is El Mundo a criminal master mind? Can the Lone Ranger count on help from the Sheriff? There are a lot of unanswered questions in today’s episode, but its a story too big for just one show, so stay tuned for the ongoing story. If there are any in this particular story line. I don’t think there are.

 Wild Bill Hickock – Madman of Moon Mountain. ep102, 521105 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:15

A telegram calls on Bill to come to the remote, chilly mountain top community to help. a gang known as the Moon Mountain men are trying to drive out the honest folks. A gun fight breaks out, and Bill enters the fray to put an end to it. The locals are upset at their homes and barns being burned down. Time to confront the gang up on the mountain, Though gun shots come their way, Bill is determined to spend the night on the mountain. Tom Long tells Bill his side of the story. Will it put an end to the conflict, or stir things up? The mystery grows when Bill learns that it hasn’t been Tom, or the Moon Mountain men doing the raids. But is there more to learn? The coyote Bill is looking for is in the valley, and his time is running out. What clues will Bill have to lead him to the culprit of the burned out homesteaders? A secret about the mountain men pressures a liar to expose himself. Get ready for guns to blaze as Bill catches the real bad guy in the valey.

 Father Knows Best – It Pays To Borrow. ep76, 510405 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:54

Audio has spots where it cuts out, but only near the beginning, otherwise it’s good. Maybe a touch slow. Jim Anderson is opposed to borrowing, and he’s vocal about it at the breakfast table. Kathy wants to know who her dad called a lamebrain, while Betty is in drama mode and adores the sunny morning. Jim’s griping turns to class pins, and being grateful for what you have. How is the missing waffle iron cord related to Bud’s missing algebra book? Borrowed items continue to frustrate Jim when a bicycle with a broken handlebar turns up in the basement. Holy cow, jumping creepers, gee whiz the kids are upset to have to stop their borrowing habits. Jim is suddenly caught up in his own borrowing mess with Hector. Missing items begin turning up. How should Jim reconcile with Hector? Be dishonest? Truthful? An apology is a good start. Complications set in for Jim, and a missing sprayer, but is Kathy telling the truth about the bike in the basement? A long line of borrowing, and not returning makes Jim more guilty in the matter than any of his kids. Margaret has the answer to Jim’s sprayer problem. Has everyone learned their lessons? After the bicycle mystery is solved, Jim reads statistics on automobile accidents.

 X Minus One – A Pail Of Air. ep44, 560328. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:21

On a typical day in the future, a small family hunkers down under the ground, and as they struggle to survive the nuclear winter, mom gets sentimental as she tells her boy and girl about the flowers, and beautiful landscapes of old. Just opening the door to their little home presents dangers, but it’s necessary to go outside to gather another pale of frozen air to thaw, when things get stuffy inside. Today as the boy goes outside, dressed in his protective clothing, running as fast as he can to minimize his risk. he sees something strange. A faint gleam of light coming through the frozen landscape. Are there other humans out there? Is he imagining things? The family contemplate what it can mean and they cling to the shreds of their former national heritage by singing a partially remembered song. Suddenly, a voice sounds through the darkness. Word comes that a semblance of civilization is still out there and the family can return. But after all these years in their little nest the thought of returning to society is both a scary but hopeful proposition.

 Lum and Abner – Grandpap Can’t Stand Phinus Reading The Almanac. 440607 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

Abner is constantly having to shuffle his poppa between home, and the store, to minimize the wearing Lizabeth and Lum to a frazzle. Today, we find grandpap reading facts from the almanac to Abner. He pauses long enough to ask about Lizabeth. The sample business letters he reads serve to keep Abner confused. Here comes Phinus, and grandpap is ready to entertain the old gent. As the absent minded Phinus chats up old times from the Civil War, Abner takes a phone order. It turns out to be aunt Charity, and grandpap is called home. Since he laid it aside, Phinus has taken over reading from the almanac. Before he goes, grandpap warns Abner about the way the old gent reads the almanac out loud, spouting off useless facts. If Abner doesn’t put a stop to it, Phinus is liable to drive off customers. Another phone call switches the gents up, and Phinus has to talk to Lizabeth, while grandpap resumes his station at reading facts from the almanac. All that out loud reading gets to Phinus, and he’s glad to be heading home again.

 Burns and Allen- Surprise Party Platform. 400327. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:34

Gracie talks about her zany relatives. Frank Parker is still mentioning his government job that Gracie promised him a few episodes back. Frank sings, Love Is In the Air. Gracie shares all the details of what her Surprise Party platform stands for. The cast have some fun in a group song to plug the sponsor. Gracie wraps up the show with her campaign song. Get a copy of your own sheet music of the song today.

 Sherlock Holmes – Telltale Pigeon Feathers. ep199, 460121 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:47

Mysterious things at a boardinghouse has Mrs Hudson reporting to Mycroft Holmes, the older brother of the famous detective. What is a bird man? Mrs Hudson claims it’s like a werewolf. Feathers on the boardinghouse window seem to prove her idea out, Is it an old wives tale, or serious it could just be carrier pigeons, but with wartime there are concerns over a leak A letter to Holmes has him and Watson on the case. Disguised as building inspectors, the investigation begins. Signs of the carrier pigeons are found, the suspected link to espionageA struggle, a gun, and an uppercut, but Holmes is left standing. Will a pigeon with a coded message lead them to its master? Holmes has cracked the code, and has set a trap. in a club, with a feather clad singer, a prize pigeon from the Morarty gang is spotted. Shots are fired, a dead body, and Holmes has to answer questions at Scotland Yard. There’s still time to spring a trap to catch the killer, and put an end to the mystery. Stay tuned as Sherlock wraps it all up.

 The Saint, – A Schizophrenic Psychiatrist, The Colorblind Killer. ep90, 490918 (retro622) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:43

On a foggy morning, the Saint meets a movie starlet who claims to be giving up her career. Though Barbara goes over board on the ferry, Simon ends up with a thump on the head for his efforts to save her. A psychiatrist listens as Simon regains consciousness, and recounts how he knew Barbara. She was a woman in trouble, but refusing it if it meant dragging anyone else into it. Threats of death greet Simon as he does his own prying. The doctor admits his own crush on the actress. Dames drop dead around Simon, the latest a card sharp. Continuing his story in flashback to the doctor, Simon tells of encounters with thugs. The events of the previous, moonlit night are revisited. Thugs, thumps on the head, and the doctor. Simon has a handle on the cash that is the focus of the mystery, as well as having the pieces put together. The lights go dark, a gunshot blasts, and Simon knows who the color blind killer is. Bonus Tracks * The Rtrobots have to correct Keith about the feature today. * Thanks, and notice is given to various supporters of the podcast. * Ozzie and Harriet Short 1948 The Third Degree.

 Fibber McGee andMolly – Planting a Hedge. ep241, 400326 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:43

Billy Mills plays, I Wanna Be Happy. Spring has sprung, and Fibber greets the first buds of the season. Digging in his garden, Fibber communes with nature as he plants a hedge. The Old Timer visits to offer seeds from his catalog. Does anyone want to hear it the way he does? Even when it’s about Molly being one of the well dressed women? Gildersleeve pops in with a dispute over the boundaries of their lawns. Party of the First Pot McGee brags about his skill with a green thumb. Harlowe spends time in some hard sales of the sponsor product. Teeny takes a short cut and tells the latest about her dog, Margret. Suddenly a noise from the chimney brings a surprise, and a commercial moment from Harlowe. A stranger with a tripod shows up, is Nick Dipopolos also a surveyor? He tells about confusion on the golf course. Outside, Fibber and Gildersleeve bicker over who gets to look through the telescope. When Molly learns the guys are spying on Abigail Upington and Billy Mills, she shoves them aside to see it for herself. The Kingsmen sing, All the Things You Are. When Abigail Uppington shows up, she seems to be showing signs of what the telescope revealed. What dignified way of explaining herself will she share? The surveyor has news that gives Gildy the upper hand, although there may be surprises for him as well. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1482957434,1617092177,1570193932,1570198284"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Lum and Abner – Abner Tells Lum About a Problem. 440606 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Evening has come, and Abner isn’t motivated to leave the store to go home. Lum gets him confused over comparing his home to a hornet’s nest. Abner has half a mind to go up in the mountains and hermit himself. He still gets confused over the hornets nest, thinking its something his poppa brought home. Abner tells how his poppa is thrifty to the point of not wanting to throw things away. A handle off a railroad hand car, colored glass, and the clutter he brings home trips Abner as he tries to walk through his home at night.. Still worried about the hornet’s nest, Abner fears he’ll have to sneak in the back door tonight. Can Lum ever convince him there’s no hornet’s nest? Though he has been complaining about the random things his poppa brings home, a phone call finds Abner racing out to collect his own oddities to take home.

 Gunsmoke – Hanging Man. 560325. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:53

Bad news comes when one of the locals has committed suicide. There’s just something about the scene that makes Matt suspicious. Later, Kitty shows off a new lady friend, Cora Belle. As Cora leaves, Kitty fills in Matt on the new love affair that seems to be blooming. Cora has been seeing a guy named Mel Tucker, a no good lazy type. Suddenly Mel has a bankroll that he’s spending on himself and Cora. Matt claims he has proof of a crime against Mel, and threatens him with jail, but is it just a bluff? Mel isn’t cracking under the pressure of being in jail, then Chester reports another suicide hanging. What can the frustrated Matt do? Talking it over with Kitty, Matt begins to see the light with the flighty Cora. A trap is set, and jealousy flares up, and Matt has the truth he needs to put an end to this little crime spree.

 Phil Harris – Frankie and Easter Dinner. ep173, 510325 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

After most of the season without a sponsor, the show begins its run with RCA Victor. Its Easter, and the family has just returned from church. The girls and Alice talk about how the service went. Even Phil and Willie get in on the discussion of fashions. Dresses, hats, pearls, youthful looks, and other exotic styles. Frankie arrives with gifts for the holiday. His generous mood leads to Phil singing, Dig Dig Dig for Your Dinner. Out of gratitude for all that Alice has done for him, Frankie wants to take her and Phil out to dinner. Julius arrives to get in his wisecracks at the offer of dinner. Instead of a swanky hot spot, Frankie knows a better place. Alice sings, I Hear Singing. The Italian restaurant is now run by Grogan. Alice is less than pleased with the dirty dump, and the menu selections. Fast forward and our heroes enjoy a meal in a French restaurant, where Phil shows off his language skills. With the language barrier being too much, Frankie has one more place to visit.


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