X Minus One – A Pail Of Air. ep44, 560328.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On a typical day in the future, a small family hunkers down under the ground, and as they struggle to survive the nuclear winter, mom gets sentimental as she tells her boy and girl about the flowers, and beautiful landscapes of old. Just opening the door to their little home presents dangers, but it’s necessary to go outside to gather another pale of frozen air to thaw, when things get stuffy inside. <br> Today as the boy goes outside, dressed in his protective clothing, running as fast as he can to minimize his risk. he sees something strange. A faint gleam of light coming through the frozen landscape. Are there other humans out there? Is he imagining things? The family contemplate what it can mean and they cling to the shreds of their former national heritage by singing a partially remembered song. <br> Suddenly, a voice sounds through the darkness. Word comes that a semblance of civilization is still out there and the family can return. But after all these years in their little nest the thought of returning to society is both a scary but hopeful proposition. <br>