Lum and Abner – Abner Tells Lum About a Problem. 440606

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Evening has come, and Abner isn’t motivated to leave the store to go home. Lum gets him confused over comparing his home to a hornet’s nest. Abner has half a mind to go up in the mountains and hermit himself. He still gets confused over the hornets nest, thinking its something his poppa brought home. <br> Abner tells how his poppa is thrifty to the point of not wanting to throw things away. A handle off a railroad hand car, colored glass, and the clutter he brings home trips Abner as he tries to walk through his home at night.. <br> Still worried about the hornet’s nest, Abner fears he’ll have to sneak in the back door tonight. Can Lum ever convince him there’s no hornet’s nest? Though he has been complaining about the random things his poppa brings home, a phone call finds Abner racing out to collect his own oddities to take home. <br> <br>