The Saint, – A Schizophrenic Psychiatrist, The Colorblind Killer. ep90, 490918 (retro622)

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On a foggy morning, the Saint meets a movie starlet who claims to be giving up her career. Though Barbara goes over board on the ferry, Simon ends up with a thump on the head for his efforts to save her. A psychiatrist listens as Simon regains consciousness, and recounts how he knew Barbara. She was a woman in trouble, but refusing it if it meant dragging anyone else into it.<br> Threats of death greet Simon as he does his own prying. The doctor admits his own crush on the actress. Dames drop dead around Simon, the latest a card sharp. Continuing his story in flashback to the doctor, Simon tells of encounters with thugs.<br> The events of the previous, moonlit night are revisited. Thugs, thumps on the head, and the doctor. Simon has a handle on the cash that is the focus of the mystery, as well as having the pieces put together. The lights go dark, a gunshot blasts, and Simon knows who the color blind killer is.<br> Bonus Tracks<br> <br> * The Rtrobots have to correct Keith about the feature today.<br> * Thanks, and notice is given to various supporters of the podcast.<br> * Ozzie and Harriet Short 1948 The Third Degree.<br> <br>