Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Burns and Allen – Gracie Wins Wisconsin. 400410 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

Should Gracie talk about George, or something interesting? Somehow the topic comes round to her landslide victory in Wisconsin. Frank Parker Getz in his jabs at George over the happenings in the news. Ray Noble shares his wisdom regarding George and the campaign. Gracie takes a phone call from her mother, and learns the latest family gossip. Her party mascot, her Kangaroo has fallen ill. Frank Parker sings an oldie from 1914, They’ll Never Believe Me. What does Ray need to discuss with George and Gracie in the hall? For now it has to wait for a visit from Bubbles. What will George halve too do when Gracie wins her campaign? A knock at the door brings a census enumerator. Will the dirt that he has gathered fuel Gracie’s campaign, or just a few moments of gossip? Secrets about Nelson Eddy are shared is there anything in Gracie’s background she ought to worry about? Ray Noble plays, Gracie’s Campaign Song. Ray still needs to talk with George and Gracie, but why can’t he just say it here? Interruptions come when Gracie takes a phone call, and others in the cast get in their jokes. Will George get to sing a jingle for the sponsor? Gracie manages to clear the stage, which leaves her alone onstage with Ray. Will they forget their memorable moment? Maybe they should write it down. Gracie sings that hit from the film Buck Benny Rides Again, My My. Note: The census man sounds like Elliot Lewis, but I’m not sure.

 X Minus One – Star Bright. ep46, 560410. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:04

Mr holmes is a man who has missing children. His daughter, Star has disappeared with the neighbor’s boy. How is Mrs Howel taking the matter? She comes over to share a piece of her frazzled mind over her little boy Bobby. In voiceover, and flashback, we learn of the advanced scientific intellect of the kids. As a 3 year old, Star had a voracious thirst for knowledge. Pete confides in his friend Jim, a fellow engineer and fellow with an IQ well over the genius range. Star is trained to dumb down her intellect so she can blend in, but it becomes evident that her knowledge surpasses that of her brainy dad. Just how smart is this kid? One day Bobby shows up, and is a match for Star’s intelligence. Soon, the kids are disappearing for a couple hours every afternoon. Pete begins to suspect what they are up to, and it involves time travel. The kids do their best to explain in words their elders, and the listening audience at large, can understand about advance scientific theories that are basically what has come to be known as worm holes. Pete is smart enough to grasp it, but a twist comes when he finds the kids plotting something new. Now we’re up to date, and the kids are missing. The concept of alternate universes is hinted at. Is that where Star and Bobby went? Can Pete go to their parallel universe and find the kids? If he does, can he find his way back? amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "X Minus One on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1617093475,1570199590,1617090379,1570195870"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Sherlock Holmes – The Indiscretion of Mr Edwards (Murder Under The Big Top). ep201, 460204 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Getting away to the sparkles and spangles of his 8 year old self , Watson tells about the adventure he and Holmes had at a French circus. The excitement fell flat for Holmes, though he shares a little about the illicit background of some of the entertainers. Mycroft joins the fun, and hears some of Holmes racy secrets about the performers. More friends of Holmes show up. Going back stage, Watson may find himself in trouble. Will Watson live out a boyhood fantasy? Will a threatening letter mean a mystery is in the works for Holmes? The famous detective will need to act, to clear Dr Watson from a murder charge. Note: This is a reworked script from Murder Under The Big Top. ep149 441106

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Home After Doing Lux Theater. ep243, 400409Coming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:18

Billy Mills opens with, OO What You Said. Glowing with triumph and success, Fibber and Molly ride the bus home after being featured on the recent Lux Radio Theater program. Who will win the posturing for the last ham sandwich in their lunch basket? Will the McGee’s be mobbed by autograph seekers as they disembark? At least Teeny is on hand to befuddle Fibber. She tells what she knows about Hollywood, and the place where movies come from. At the station, a brass band waits, and Fibber plans his big reception. First, Harlowe Wilcox spends a few moments in a hard sales pitch for the sponsor. The McGee’s freshen up at home, and try tO dodge a visit from Abigail Uppington. They eavesdrop on her conversation with Billy Mills about them. This being leap year, the time when its socially acceptable for ladies to propose, will Abigail have a question to pop? Harlowe is back and offers to help Fibber with his speech, but it turns into a veiled sponsor plug. The visitors keep coming when the Old Timer tells it the way he hear’d it a bout theatrical work, and the upcoming anniversary for the show. The Kingsmen sing a medley from the hit film, Pinocchio. Time to race back to the station for that brass band reception. Along the way the McGee’s encounter Nick Dipopolos. Then a quick run in with Gildersleeve, and the truth about the band, and the reception.

 Lum and Abner – Will Phinus Work On The Tire Rationing Board. 440615 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

There’s still hope that Phinus can get a job on the tire rationing board. All he has to do is study up on correct ways to conserve, and preserve tires. Does he get the hang of making sure no undo wear and tear is put on tires? All his advice seems backwards from what the pamphlet says. Lum tries to coach the old man, but you don’t need to tell him anything… he’s older than you… he knows. The coaching seems to help, and progress is made. A phone call may bring good news. Building up the qualifications, will Ezra accept that Phinus is all that bright to handle the job? Abner steps aside to deal with customers, while Lum’s phone conversation is both a pitch for the absentminded Phinus, and the need to save on rubber. Abner gets the chance to put in good words for the mental alertness of his poppa. Can Ezra talk to the candidate? Sure, as soon as he wakes up from his nap.

 Gunsmoke – Widows Mite. 560408. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:50

After being forced to end the career of a bandit, Matt has to tell his widow about the news. Just because he was a bad man doesn’t mean she is a bad person, and Matt feels for her loss. Does Ada know where the missing loot is located? Chester doesn’t trust her tears of grief, and thinks she’s trying to fool Matt. Back in Dodge City, a gentleman caller comes around to ask about the widow. Now it’s Matt’s turn to be suspicious. Doc joins Matt and Kitty as they start a meal. He has odd news about the homestead where the widow lives. When Matt goes to investigate, Mr Fields seems to be hiding something. Where is Ada? This time Matt and Chester hang around to watch the house for mysterious behavior, and aren’t let down. Mr Fields has left, and Matt breaks into the house to see what he can learn. Ada is there, and she’s alive, but barely. Secrets are told, and Matt sets out for Fields before he can do any more harm. Get ready for gunplay, but what really happened to the missing money from the robbery? Listen in and learn the truth as Matt tells Chester about it.

 Phil Harris – Selling RCA Victor Television Sets. ep175, 510408 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:29

Mr Scot has called a meeting to learn who gave Phil permission to use the sponsor’s name, after the ban in the first episodes of the season. Phil, Alice, and Frankie fret over whether they still have a job. Will it help if Frankie steals an old theme song to use with the new sponsor? Phil tries his own advertising gimmick that was popular in the day, the sponsor name backwards. Phil makes a sales guarantee to Mr Scot, but is it one that he can back up? A promotional is arranged for Phil and Alice to make personal appearances in department stores. Who is that TV salesman? Could it be Frank Nelson? Oooo is he! The enthusiastically snarky salesman lets Phil and Frankie give their best shots at sales. While Phil makes his Ernest attempts at sales, Frankie uses other slogans, or sales techniques of products that are unrelated to televisions. Will Alice lend any credibility, or testimonial, to Phil’s pitch? Phil takes a break to sing, Possibilities. All that’s left to seal the deal on the sale is installing the arial. If only they thought to bring one. The next best thing to do is swipe the one from the house next door unless Julius comes along with wisecracks, and a threat to call the cops. There’s another secret that doesn’t help in impressing Mr Scot.

 Jack Benny – Jack Revives Buck Benny After Three Years. ep369, 400407 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:40

With Spring bursting out all over, Don introduces a man who is still wearing his longies. Phil Harris pokes fun at Jack’s underwear, an when Mary arrives, she tells about seeing a first sign of the season. The ever loyal Dennis Day switches the top to pay, and raises. The cast wax poetic in airing their complaints to Jack. Dennis sings, There Lies My Kind of Country. Jack talks about his new film, Buck Benny Rides Again. He has to explain how it started as a sketch on the show to Dennis. The cast fit back into their old roles, and will revive the sketch right after a number from Phil. First, Rochester phones in with an interruption, and is told to start making preparations for the trip to New York, and the movie opening. Phil Harris plays, I hear Bluebirds. The play pokes fun at old cast member, Frank Parker, with Dennis in the role as deputy. The elusive Cactus Face is still on the loose, but Buck visits the barber shop. All spruced up, he goes to visit his gal, Daisy. Will he ever ask her to marry him… will she say yes? Word interrupts that Cactus Face has robbed the bank. Would a little help from the blue fairy do” Note: Mr Billingsley is mentioned in the show. He doesn’t appear, but I think this may be the first time he’s mentioned.

 The Avenger – Melody of Murder. ep9, 450803 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

A wealthy couple, Rena and George, discuss a failed business investment. Will she have to sell her jewels to finance the losses? The entire time a piano tuner is at work in the background d. When the argument heats up, a gunshot breaks the tension, and George is dead. With Jim Brandon and Fern Collier on the scene, we learn about the business partners. How did the smoking gun get into the room? For that matter, can Rena explain how her fingerprints got on it? Might the piano tuner know something? How can Jim find him to question him? At the business office, the partners are interviewed, while a news ticker is installed. Guns blaze again, this time with Jim on hand. Jim smells a rat, but who is framing who? Anything may happen and Jim has the scene tightly guarded. When Fern recognizes the news ticker installer, more gunshots go off, but Jim is too late to stop the man. At least he now knows how the shootings happened. All he has to do is link the killer to the one that hired him. Jim may have it figured out, but it’s going to take the Avenger to tie it all up.

 Wild Bill Hickock – The Gunman’s Brand. ep103, 521107 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:22

Riding on the trail with a heard of cattle, Bill and Jingles check in at the chuck wagon, and the trail boss. What will cure a troubled herd of uneasy cattle? Usually a singing cowboy, but maybe Jingles isn’t the one for the job. The herd stampedes, but it was a volley of gunshots, not Jingles who got them started. Bill helps lead the way to getting them under control. A scam to monopolize a government contract is revealed. If the scattered herd can’t be rounded up in time, it stands to drive prices high. When Wild Bill won’t play their game, fist fights break out with the local ranchers. It has taken hard work, but the herd stands to make it to town before the deadline. Sabotage is in store, and it looks like the bad guys have done. Except for a plan that Bill put in place to get the better of them. Gunplay ensures that the right thing is done in the end.

 Sherlock Holmes – Sweeney Todd, Demon Barber. ep200, 460128 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

On a Winter’s night of 1896, Holmes and Watson had gone to enjoy a classic play, Sweenie Todd. The drama of the demon barber draws comments from our sleuths, then they are called back stage for the sanity and safety of London. The cast share concerns over strange happenings. Mr Humphries has found a blood soaked razor, and mud covered boots more than once, though those artifacts aren’t to be found at the moment. When Holmes follows up, he finds no unsolved razor murders on record. When evidence turns up, Humphries seems proven to not be making his story up. Holmes opinion on the case is still out, other than having a matter of fraud afoot. Who is toying with Humphries, and why are they doing it? Sherlock doubts that Humphries is a sleep walker, or a murder, then he finds the worried man has been killed. All that’s left is for Watson to finish relating this tale. The ruse hasn’t fooled Holmes, but he’ll still need to act fast as he holds his cards close to the vest while he reveals the killer.

 Quiet Please – Green Light. ep34, 480126 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:58

An old timer from the railroad, portrayed by Ernest Chapel, tells about the hazards of the job in the old days. Men missing fingers, or a leg. He tells about riding one of the new streamliners to see his girl from 42 years earlier. He has to stop to explain slang of the railroad man as he recounts how he came to leave Addy. Life as a telegrapher is described. On the summer night with hooty owls and squirrels, we relive the moment with young Addy. Should he leave the railroad for a different telegraphy company? If he could find a good paying job, where would she like to move? On the rainy night, a train comes barreling through. Despite the green light, its too fast for the track. Addy runs for help while Ernest races down the track with his lantern. But where’s the train? Could it have been a ghost train? Was it just a trick, or prank? When another train comes in the middle of the night, Ernest is ready for it. But a ghost train can’t cut off a leg… can it?

 Show # 829: At the Movies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How many songs could possibly have been recorded in the 50's and 60's about movies ? You'll find out tonight on Old Time Rock n Roll.

 Lum and Abner – Phinus Will Get A Job At The Defense Plant. 440614 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

To keep Abner’s poppa busy, the gents want to get him a Job. Lum says that there’s openings at the war plant that Phinus might do. A hot tip finds Lum doing the leg work to hold a job for Phinus. Can Abner run the telephone, and call around town to find his poppa? As Lum worries whether the job can be held, grandpap enters. Abner needs to head out to find his poppa, and since Lum needs to man the store, grandpap runs the application over. Finally, word comes in that Phinus is home. Can Lizabeth send him to the store? Lum calls the defense plant to be sure the job is still being held open. This will be the big moment to keep Phinus busy, and out of their hair. Except for one little problem. Grandpap was just hired for it. e

 Abbott and Costello – At The Ranch. ep94, 450405. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

Also titled: Trying to Hire the Andrews Sisters Though the show may seem like a rerun, it’s actually a reproduction with a previous script. The orchestra leader has changed to Will Osbourne. Lou talks to Bud about a ranch that he is buying. He seems to have run over Alvea Almon in his car, as Mrs Niles. Lou’s troubles aren’t over when he tells how he had a run in with a cop. Mrs Niles enters to do some give and take insulting with Lou. Bud and Lou go into the classic routine about U-Drive cars as they plan to drive out to Lou’s new ranch. Will Osborne plays, My Dreams are Getting Better All the Time. The guys drive out to the ranch, but have a little car trouble along the way. They have to switch to taking a horse. Bud and Lou need to check into a hotel before they go to the ranch, and talk with Joe Besser, the hotel clerk. The funny stuff keeps on coming at the hotel. Connie Haines sings, I’m Beginning to See the Light. Before the guys can get started for the ranch, Mellonhead comes in to talk about his job in television, the Andrews Sisters, and trying to get them on the show. When the sisters aren’t available, what about the Andrews Brothers instead? Are the brothers as good as the sisters? Since this is a recording from Armed Forces Radio (AFRS) the commercials have been snipped, and there’s time so Connie wraps up with, Salt Water Cowboy. The audio begins to degrade, but Connie keeps singing, A Lovely Way to Spend an Evening. Will Osborne even hops in with a swinging tune. The audio quality is pretty poor by the end, where Connie is back with another round of Saltwater Cowboy.


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