The Avenger – Melody of Murder. ep9, 450803

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A wealthy couple, Rena and George, discuss a failed business investment. Will she have to sell her jewels to finance the losses? The entire time a piano tuner is at work in the background d. When the argument heats up, a gunshot breaks the tension, and George is dead. <br> With Jim Brandon and Fern Collier on the scene, we learn about the business partners. How did the smoking gun get into the room? For that matter, can Rena explain how her fingerprints got on it? Might the piano tuner know something? How can Jim find him to question him? At the business office, the partners are interviewed, while a news ticker is installed. Guns blaze again, this time with Jim on hand. Jim smells a rat, but who is framing who? <br> Anything may happen and Jim has the scene tightly guarded. When Fern recognizes the news ticker installer, more gunshots go off, but Jim is too late to stop the man. At least he now knows how the shootings happened. All he has to do is link the killer to the one that hired him. Jim may have it figured out, but it’s going to take the Avenger to tie it all up. <br>