Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Ozzie and Harriet – ep9, 441203 Looking for an Apartment.mp3441203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:23

If only the rewards of doing good deeds was as simple as happens in the newspaper comics section. Will the rewards pay off so well when Ozzie finds himself helping a friend find a place to live.? his good deeds don’t go unpunished when he finds doctor Ken Cristy has quaratined the apartment building. The good deeds don’t stop, and a lost wallet finds the Nelsons trying to do the right thing in returning it. First, the ration book is taken to the clerk, played by Frank Nelson. Then traffic cop, William Bendix, gives a pass to the speeding Nelsons if only Harriet will sing, the Trolly Song. How will the day of good deeds end? Will the walet and ration book be returned safely? What about their friend in need of a place to stay? Most of all, has the rewards, or neglect of rewards, all be worth it?

 Lum and Abner – Results Of Water Analysis. 440711 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

The report on the spring water has come in, and Lum reminds Abner why he had to do his own, independent study on it. BJ Webster has been secretive on his doings, which naturally makes him suspicious. Abner could whip a wild cat as he anticipates the report. Iron in the mineral content gets Abner confused. What do horse shoes in the spring have to do with anything? How and why should anybody want or need to eat iron? Lum is lured into imagining eating iron, with a dash of salt and pepper. Does it make you feel heavy to drink iron in the water? Other chemicals make the rounds to add to Abner’s confusion. Potassium, magnesium, the worrisome sounding names suddenly make Abner feel weak in the knees. Lum continues the list of chemicals, and its enough to give Abner the hives. Is there strawberries in the water too?How are the spots that Abner sees before his doing? Lum isn’t worried, until he comes on a chemical that bothers him.

 Father Knows Best – Junk Around The House. ep81, 510510 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

Margret has a surprise for Jim, but the ugly iron lamp is far from impressive, and neither is the money saving she did by spending more. The whole family have managed to find their own bargains of misfit goods. Bud’s car horn that misses playing a note, Betty has her own savings, and Kathy picked up a rock catapult. What’s Jim to do? To prove his point on the silly deals, he comes up with his own, with the help of his friend Ed. Saving huge, he comes home with a barrel of window putty. Just as he proudly shows off his bargain, the rest of the family begin to see the error of their ways, and the uselessness of their junk finds. There’s just one thing that could ruin such an ideal object lesson as the one Jim came up with. A disaster down at the hardware store turns Jim and his putty into heroes. Who knew it would turn out to be so valuable? What if the rest of the family’s junk items also turned out to be just as timely and valuable? Maybe there’ll be a use for the horn, catapult, and the rest.

 Lone Ranger – Crooked Banker and Sheriff. 370510 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:18

Wells City, a typical Western town. The banker owns most of the surrounding land, but is not well liked. It’s suspected that he is crooked, and that the Sheriff is his enforcer. Who is that masked man? He has the banker nervous. The Sheriff recognizes a rival that has what it takes to beat him. Fearing their loss of power, the two conspire to do what they can to get rid of the Lone Ranger. (Adjusted audio quality to make this a better copy than is found else where on the web.) Trivia Alert: The Lone Ranger was created by George W. Trendle, along with Fran Striker. Early shows were only 15 minutes, but ones  from this time frame and later would be 30 minute programs.

 Bob Hope (Pepsodent_ Bing Crosby. ep194, 430921 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:28

Beginning his 6th year on the air, Bob entertains the troops in Pasadena. Bob “Back on the Air” Hope tells the Navy audience about returning from his overseas tours duuuring the Summer. Returning home, settling into his old routine, flights, trouble during bombing raids in London, and those London girls. He transitions to jokes of Northern Africa, Arabs, and the like. Vera Veg is on hand to tease Bob, in old form, and pokes fun at Bob’s suit. Has she made any progress in her constant hunt for a man? Francis Langford sings, You’ll Never Know. She helps with the traveling jokes that include the president, life in England, girls, Bob’s house he was born in, and air raids. Jerry Kolonna pokes fun at Bob’s six years on the air. Has he kept good care of Bob’s house while he was gone? Bing Crosby sings, Sunday Monday, or Always. The mutual criticism flies when the two old pals get together. Insults over their appearance and looks, Hollywood news, girls on Vine Street, camels, and Bing’s horses. A sketch about aged movie stars begins. What might it be like for the current generation, once they age? Will they still be making the same kind of films, chasing girls, and the like? A final word to honor the troops is shared, and the shock of how life will seem different after the war.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Old Straw Hat. 420428 (RV53 retro626) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:29

It’s time for another installment from the Retro Radio Vaults, and in keeping with the spirit of the day, here’s my original show notes. Slightly cleaned up, edited, and spell checked to conserve, preserve and get just a few more miles out of them. There’s never a dull moment at 79 Wistful Vista. Fibber is always scheming on some new idea or project. This time he’s out to clean up an old straw hat. Why? To do the patriotic thing and conserve the things that each citizen owns. But is it really practical to squeeze a few more miles out of an old straw hat? In 1942, industry wasn’t what it is today and conserving, actually preserving might be the better word, was the governments way to rally the public to support the new war effort. The less demand that was placed on industry for civilian needs provided more resources that could be invested in supporting the troops overseas. Even Teeny, the neighborhood kid delivers a propaganda speech to cheer on the effort. Getting back to the main theme, Fibber might not be able to clean that hat, but of course, it all manages to work out as the parade of characters stop by for their weekly visit. Features: Gale Gordon as Mayor Latrivia. Bill Thompson as Wallace Wimple, and the Old Timer. Lilian Randolph as Abigail Uppington. Listen and learn… * How’s every little thing with Mirt the phone operator? * What do cotton gins and steam boats have to do with anything? * How is Teeny’s Victory Garden growing? * Isn’t it early for Christmas card sales? * Find out what Mayor Latrivia is slow burning about this week with the McGee’s. Learn the latest frustrations between Wallace Wimple, and his big old wife Sweetie Face. * Find out how Abigail Uppington puts the final straw into Fibber’s hat problem, and saves the day for Molly. Music featured in the show includes: * Billy Mills – Tangerine. * The Kingsmen – Hey Mabel. Bonus Tracks * Keith shares some background about the wartime erathe the show aired, and what the future would hold for the show. * Kaye Kaiser 1942 Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.

 Philo Vance – White Murder Case. ep52, 490705 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:00

A racketeer and extortionist has added frustrations on his hands when his golddigging girlfriend demands mink coats. Then his main thug reports their mark for extortion going to pay a visit to Philo Vance. What’s a self respecting, hard working gangster supposed to do to earn a living? ? How about a scheme to kidnap the great detective? You know, just for long enough to keep him out of your hair for the time it takes to bump off that pesky citizen who dared to report your extortion on him. Philo Vance is released from his kidnapping, but it doesn’t take him long to figure out were he was, or who held him. As he explains all to the District Attorney, they lay a trap to bring down the killer of Mr White. Stand by for plot twists at every step along the way. Murder becomes a frame up, but who is framing who?

 Quiet Please – Never Send to Know . ep40, 480308 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:43

As a regular kind of private detective, Ernest Chapel debunks all the usual hard boiled stereotypes that plague his profession. Though he has a secretary, the relationship is far from the romanticized ones heard on the radio, or seen in movies. His jobs are of the mundane kind, and far from adventuresome. Although his past may have been far from pristine, his dialog is cut short when a client enters to hire him for a special job. Who is the mild mannered man, and why can’t he remember his name? The job at hand is to learn who murdered him? If he isn’t a ghost, how does the man manage to disappear at will? How will Ernest be able to figure out where to look for the killer? Will it help if he had more money? Even blood soaked money? The man claims to know more about Ernest than he is letting on. The prce tag piles up, and the job takes on higher stakes. What’s this about acting as an executioner for a killer of a ghost? Secrets emerge about a common past as hobos, but will Ernest be able to fulfill is duty that hired on to do?

 Lum and Abner – Abner Teaches Cedric How To Dance. 440710 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

While the gents wait for their own tests to return on the spring water on grandpap’s property, Abner talks with Cedric. Cedric is eager to go to the dance, and expects a hot time. They recount the way they sent their tests with local boy, Emery, as he’s on his way to join the Navy. The dance is to be a formal one, and flannel is required, due to the heat of Summer. Too bad Cedric already put all his winter flannels away. Um… I don’t think they meant long underwear Cedric. Attention turns to dancing, so Abner consults a book on the topic. First up is a lesson on the Two Step, but maybe Cedric ought to stick to only one step at a time. Abner reads the instructions well enough, but somehow things get confusing for both of the guys. Time to practice the step, for an awkward moment once Lum arrives. Lum thinks the dance is silly, until he learns he has been asked to chaperone the affair.

 Burns and Allen – Aunt Clara Kangaroo. 400508. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:39

The show opens with jokes about Gracie’s presidential campaign, and her latest campaign stops. Frank Parker sings, Begin the Beguine. The cast all get ready to hit the campaign trail, but George is in for a surprise when they get ready to meet Gracie’s aunt Clara. Ray Noble plays a tune to transition to the train station. It should be no surprise for the listener to discover that aunt Clara is the name of Gracie’s mascot, the Kangaroo. In usual style, * George plays the straight man, gets frustrated over the zany antics and comebacks of the cast, and is generally the butt of jokes. * Ray Noble doubles as the band leader, and repeats gags related to showering Gracie with gifts, and going out with her. * Frank Parker keeps the gags about being assigned political cabinet positions alive. And * Mary Kelley is on hand for the crazy jokes, and with getting the fat jokes.

 X Minus One – The Seventh Order. 560508. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:57

In an average sized college town, where pranks from the students are not unusual, aman who is all blue isn’t given much thought. It’s actually a blue robot, and he’s from the 7th order, from the planet Xamxar, and he’s her to take over the world. We learn that his spaceship has crashed, and he wants to force humans to build him a new one. That, or he’ll kill them all like the robots did back on his home planet. Oh, is that all? He has picked out a college professor to be his representative to the world, and with his ability to read minds and vaporize whatever he shoots with his laser pistol, it doesn’t take long for the world to take him seriously. Is it possible to stop this cool, calculating critter? Physical force is no match for him. Strategies are fended off before they can be formed. Can’t any thing be done to trick the invader, and outsmart him? Listen in and learn how they did it in the 1950’s. I wonder if that trick would work onfreeing kids from being enslaved to those little computers that plug their ears with buds, and occupy their minds with flashing games? Hmm… Nah, I doubt it.

 The Whistler – Death Has a Thirst . ep51, 430508 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Harvey and Donna drive, and discuss her suspicious, alcoholic husband Victor. Should he have reason to be driven to drink, and think his wife is cheating? A private get away on Harvey’s yacht is planned, even if Victor has to be hog tied, shanghaied, and taken aboard. The only other option is being committed to an insane asylum to dry out. Victor is sure this is all a plot for Donna to do him in, or otherwise be rid of him. Is he just paranoid, or is his family history of insanity kicking in? Doctor Saunders is on board, but can he talk sense to Victor about suspicions of poisoning? With laws in place to prevent divorcing an insane person, Donna is trapped in the marriage, and fears the embarrassing news of mental illness leaking out. Alcohol seems to advance the mental illness, but it pales when an emergency strikes that threatens the lives of all on board the yacht. Stranded on a deserted island with no source of food or water, exploration of the island only turns up poisoned water holes. As Victor grows more unstable, Harvey has to act as Donna’s protector. Where will the Whistler’s twisted end to this tale wind up? Note: Features Lurene Tuttle. Frank Nelson is Victor.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Women’s Club Play, stuck In a Suit Of Armor. ep247, 400507 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:28

Billy Mills opens with, Crazy Rhythm. Working on his play of mideaval times, Fibber the brave prepares to fight for the fair damsel Molly’s hand. In Shakespearean style, the jokes and puns flow freely, as the black knight, Gildersleeve approaches the drawbridge. Verbal sparring is accompanied with the clatter of swords, with sir Fibber emerging the winner. The play has ended, and back stage, Abigail Uppington enters to praise the performance, and reports on the audience reaction. Gildy is back to grumble about his treatment in the play. As he undresses, Fibber discovers his suit of armor is stuck. How will he ever get out of it? Harlowe Wilcox takes time for some hard sales pitch for the sponsor. Heading to a blacksmith, Fibber is plagued by Gildyy, as the McGee’s encounter Harlowe again, this time to soft sell the sponsor, and offer a gleam to Fibber’s armor. Boomer claims to have an invention of his own to set Fibber free. Although he has a list of trivial items in his pockets… well, well, imagine that! No handy invention! The Kingsmen sing, Three Brave Rooks. Continuing to clatter down the street, Fibber continues his quest for a blacksmith, when they meet the Old Timer. He tells it the way he hear’d it about the political mud flying in this election year. Teeny stops Fibber to tell about her job to write ucp the play for her school paper. What’s her opinion of his armor? Gildy has been lurking, but is back for a moment of bickering. Does Fibber have a secret that is designed to guarantee he gets the better of his blustery neighbor?

 Lum and Abner – Water Analyzed. 440706 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Abner doesn’t have a chance to rest, when he returns from deliveries. Lum needs him to run another errand regarding the mineral water tests. They take time to be proud of Emery, a Pine Ridge son, who is looking sharp in his uniform after his training. He is in a unit that can do the chemical analysis of the water. The idea of picking the water apart to learn its contents is beyond Abner. The testing Lum wants is going to need to be kept secret. He doesn’t want either grandpap, or Mr Webster to find out that he’s doing it. With BJ Webster as self elected president, he has beat around the bush in letting Lum in on the loop. The figure of speech makes Abner wonder why Webster has his office out in the bushes. Is he hunting for birds? Maybe rabbits, since they’re in season, and legal to shoot. More figures of speech clutter Abner’s mind, when he’s told to hold his horses. Has this turned into a fox hunt? Why are the horses involved? Abner figures he ought to tramp through the woods to show Webster how its done.

 Barry Craig – Case Of The Philanthropist Bride. 510507 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:21

A woman who is a bride to be needs to hire Barry, but before she can get to the point, she flees. In her place a man stumbles into the office to die at Barry’s feet. The cops reveal the man is tied to the mob. How does the bride of a Swedish philanthropist figure into the mix? A phone call from the bride finds Barry dealing with another corpse. How should Barry play the situation, hard, or smart? While he ponders that fact he ends up with a thump on the head. Facing off with the goons who have him in their custody, Barry reviews the points in the case. The mystery is becoming more clear. Fists, guns, and danger are in store for Barry. Get ready to have the lid kicked off, and the dirty laundry brought out in the open. The entanglement of blackmail, and murder has been broken.


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