The Whistler – Death Has a Thirst . ep51, 430508

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Harvey and Donna drive, and discuss her suspicious, alcoholic husband Victor. Should he have reason to be driven to drink, and think his wife is cheating? A private get away on Harvey’s yacht is planned, even if Victor has to be hog tied, shanghaied, and taken aboard. The only other option is being committed to an insane asylum to dry out. <br> Victor is sure this is all a plot for Donna to do him in, or otherwise be rid of him. Is he just paranoid, or is his family history of insanity kicking in? Doctor Saunders is on board, but can he talk sense to Victor about suspicions of poisoning? With laws in place to prevent divorcing an insane person, Donna is trapped in the marriage, and fears the embarrassing news of mental illness leaking out. <br> Alcohol seems to advance the mental illness, but it pales when an emergency strikes that threatens the lives of all on board the yacht. Stranded on a deserted island with no source of food or water, exploration of the island only turns up poisoned water holes. As Victor grows more unstable, Harvey has to act as Donna’s protector. Where will the Whistler’s twisted end to this tale wind up? <br> Note: Features Lurene Tuttle. Frank Nelson is Victor. <br>