Father Knows Best – Junk Around The House. ep81, 510510

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Margret has a surprise for Jim, but the ugly iron lamp is far from impressive, and neither is the money saving she did by spending more. The whole family have managed to find their own bargains of misfit goods. Bud’s car horn that misses playing a note, Betty has her own savings, and Kathy picked up a rock catapult. <br> What’s Jim to do? To prove his point on the silly deals, he comes up with his own, with the help of his friend Ed. Saving huge, he comes home with a barrel of window putty. Just as he proudly shows off his bargain, the rest of the family begin to see the error of their ways, and the uselessness of their junk finds. <br> There’s just one thing that could ruin such an ideal object lesson as the one Jim came up with. A disaster down at the hardware store turns Jim and his putty into heroes. Who knew it would turn out to be so valuable? What if the rest of the family’s junk items also turned out to be just as timely and valuable? Maybe there’ll be a use for the horn, catapult, and the rest. <br>