Lone Ranger – Crooked Banker and Sheriff. 370510

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Wells City, a typical Western town. The banker owns most of the surrounding land, but is not well liked. It’s suspected that he is crooked, and that the Sheriff is his enforcer. Who is that masked man? He has the banker nervous. The Sheriff recognizes a rival that has what it takes to beat him. Fearing their loss of power, the two conspire to do what they can to get rid of the Lone Ranger. (Adjusted audio quality to make this a better copy than is found else where on the web.)<br> Trivia Alert: The Lone Ranger was created by George W. Trendle, along with Fran Striker. Early shows were only 15 minutes, but ones  from this time frame and later would be 30 minute programs.<br>