Philo Vance – White Murder Case. ep52, 490705

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A racketeer and extortionist has added frustrations on his hands when his golddigging girlfriend demands mink coats. Then his main thug reports their mark for extortion going to pay a visit to Philo Vance. <br> What’s a self respecting, hard working gangster supposed to do to earn a living? ? How about a scheme to kidnap the great detective? You know, just for long enough to keep him out of your hair for the time it takes to bump off that pesky citizen who dared to report your extortion on him. <br> Philo Vance is released from his kidnapping, but it doesn’t take him long to figure out were he was, or who held him. As he explains all to the District Attorney, they lay a trap to bring down the killer of Mr White. Stand by for plot twists at every step along the way. Murder becomes a frame up, but who is framing who? <br>