Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lum and Abner – Phinus Captures The Waves. 440529 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

So far Phinus Peabody has been in town for a whole day, and hasn’t started any fights. A record for him. Still, Abner tells how his old civil war PTSD kicks in when passing cars back fire, and Phinus scrambles to find his old musket, and tries to race to the battle. A phone call asks Lum for the use of the store, to recruit young women to the Waves. He has to set Abner straight on the women’s branch of the Navy. One problem they didn’t count on is the sea of blue uniforms triggering Phinus into thinking the Union Army is on the attack. Lum tries to assure him its for women, and the modern day Navy. Will the crusty old gent figure it out? Can they distract him long enough to keep him out of the store until the ladies are finished with their meeting? Lum turns to fixing up the store for the recruiting effort. He may even get himself spruced up for those lady officers. But he may need to rescue the prisoners Phinus has held hostage at the lodge hall.

 Bob Hope (Pepsodent) Long Beach Ferry Command. ep169, 421229 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:05

Audio has lots of record noise, but otherwise is OK. Bog “Ferry Command” Hope opens with jokes about the job the command does in flying supplie around the globe. Pilots, transport planes, the Rose Bowl, draft boards, and more are among the jokes. Bob brags about his athletic prowess on the football field, and his Christmas holiday. Francis Langford sings, I Had the Craziest Dream Last Night. Bob jokes about the gifts he got for Francis. She shares secrets about their Christmas party, and the plans for the New Year. Skinny Ennis enters, fed up over the thin jokes, and tries to prove he’s in good shape. Jokes include dating, dancing, and fat girlfriends. Skinny Ennis sings, By the Light of the Silvery Moon. With the ads clipped, due to being an AFRS presentation, Skinny Ennis sings, Moonlight Becomes You. Reviewing Bob’s life, and career in films, a dateline of his movies is given. The cast join him in the year in review, and wonder what the next year will hold.

 Dad’s Army – The Enemy Within the Gates. ep104, 740218 (retro621) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:10

As the RAF fights in the skies, on the ground it’s a red letter day for the Home Guard. With shortages of gear, troops have to swap off who gets to carry the rifle, and who carries the water bottle. The same kind of luck holds true when it comes to uniforms. Not enough to go around, and never the right sizes. What makes it a red letter day? At least they have clothes to wear. An inspector visits, inquiring about weapons, but will Captain Mannering recognize the thick German accent as belonging to a spy? The official is actually a Polish officer who tells about the bounty for German spies. Night falls, and air raid sirens go off. Is that parachutist a friendly or a foe? Following orders, they wait for him to expose himself… wait… that didn’t sound quite right. How will the Home Guard handle taking their prisoner captive? Will it look bad if the prisoner escapes? There could still be a way of turning over two prisoners for the price of one. Bonus Tracks * Keith gives a short history of the Home Guard in World War 2, and their real life mission, and shortages in equipment. * Also Keith gives an answer regarding why the web site security padlock is unlocked. * Want to help to lock it? Send us money on PayPal. Safe, secure, and you can change the amount once you get there, or make it a recurring payment. * Vera Lyn 1940 Nightinggales Sang in Barclay Square. * Download without the introduction.

 Burns and Allen – Gracie’s Triumphant Return. 400313. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:25

Gracie has returned from her successful campaign trip across the land. To George’s frustration, she tells all about the mishaps. As the cast join in for the jokes, George is straight man for everybody. Jokes about politics, and Washington DC abound. Frank Parker sings, Summer Nights. Gracie keeps telling about her Washington trip, and the speech she made. In flashback she remembers the night, and gives her campaign speech to the most influential women in the capital. She talks about repealing men from office, and having the top office be official ran by a woman, among other humorous topics related to the battle of the sexes. Ray Noble plays a tune. A phone call from Omaha comes in for Gracie, and the guys take the stage for some joking about guy stuf. Gracie enters to tell about the big convention in Omaha that she has ben invited to. Bubbles enters along with more campaigning news, and jokes about Gracie mentions her Surprise Party mascot, the Kangaroo, before singing her campaign song to close the show.

 Sherlock Holmes – Hampton Heath Killer. ep197, 460107 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

Performing live for the troops at Camp Roberts, Watson tells a tale of a murder in wax. In flashback we join Holmes as he gathers the details from the police. In further flashback, we relive the moments the young man tells about his girlfriend, Bessie, being stabbed. More crimes show up, with the same manner of stabbing. Hearing the drama of 10 murders, Holmes focuses on obscure clues, and starts work on the case. What does a residue of colored wax indicate? Watson thinks it may have a theatrical connection, but at Holmes suggestion wax museums are investigated. A display of a comprehensive collection of killers is found, criminals from earlier cases of the great detective. An offer of a reward to spend the night in the scene of horror is a publicity stunt of the museum. Holmes suspects something more sinister is going on, and plans to trap a killer. Holmes keys in on an important clue, a play on words and names. Disguised as Watson, Holmes arms himself and goes to spend the night in the museum. What danger awaits? Will Watson come to aid his friend in time?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Make a Pal Of Your Wife Week. ep239, 400312 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Billy Mills opens with, Jericho. It’s Make a Pal of your Wife Week. Though Fibber starts with comments aimed at raising Molly’s hackles, he turns it around by offering to take her out for lunch. As she gets made up, the Old Timer visits to sell soap to Fibber, with a chance to win a 22 calibre rifle. On the way downtown, The McGee’s meet Abigail Uppington, where Molly shoots back catty remarks on matters of romance, and Billy Mills. Kitchenette McGee brags on his taste in cousine from his earliest age. Harlowe Wilcox does some hard sales of the sponsor product. On the way to dine at Nick Dipopolus restaurant, they meet Teeny, who talks about the games she’s going to play. Harlowe is back to spin some soft sell, based on his experience in the restaurant. Being busy, seating is at a premium. Nick joins his friends, but is his food really as bad as Molly had made it seem? Mrs Wearybottom is the laconic waitress who is ready to quit her job. The Kingsmen sing, Dinah. As Molly enjoys her meal out, they notice Gildersleeve doing his taxes. He shares about his mother’s pies. Does he have any complaints about the food at Nick’s? We eavesdrop on Billy Mills and Abigail Uppington as they dine together. When Fibber has forgotten his wallet, will Molly get her meal out, without having to do dishes? Note: Molly implies they’ve been married for 15 years. It has probably been more like 20 or so years by this time. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1482957434,1617092177,1570193932,1570198284"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Lum and Abner – Phinus Peabody Arrives In Pine Ridge. 440525 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Abner has gone to pick up his poppa, after disturbing the peace. Today Cedric and Lum discuss Phinus, and that he needs to be treated like the fine old gentleman that he is. As abner approaches, they describe the old man’s appearance. He seems every bit as eccentric as all the claims have made him out to be. The ramblings of the old man make little sense as he mistakes Cedric for someone he has known before. There’s a good boy, ain’t he? The mind of Phinus wanders from one incom0plete thought as he recounts civil war battles, inquires about Lizabeth, and how business is going. Bouncing from topic to topic, he think Lum reminds him of somebody… but then he looks different. Even Cedric, who he has never met before, is someone he mistakes for having met before. It’s enough to make Lum forget his own name.

 Our Miss Brooks – Tex Barton, Basketball Star. ep122, 510311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:51

On the way to school Walter discusses the recent basketball games with Clay City. Do they actually have a chance to win with the transfer of Tex Barton to Madison high? The good natured, drawling student thinks at first that Connie is Walter’s mom. Then he invites himself for dinner with the English teacher. Harriet seems smitten at first sight of the tall Texan. How will Mr Conklin receive the new student? Conklin isn’t keen on the new student. What has him so stressed out over the sports losses to Clay City? Doesn’t he realize that Tex is a top scoring athlete on the court? Before long Connie has yet another man horning in on having dinner with her. Boynton wants to check out the new potential basketball star too. In a candid moment, Tex reveals that he actually isn’t the basketball star everyone thinks he is. Gifts are showered on Tex, and the matter of a passed along box of French chocolates makes an interesting, and dangerous round. . But is it as interesting and hazardous as revealing the mix up over Tex?

 Gunsmoke – Bringing Down Father. 560311. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:53

As the show opens we find Matt and Doc riding casually through Dodge City. The rough town seems to be getting more refined, but when a Texas cowboy rides up, he reports a shooting on the range. Doc joins Matt and Chester as they ride out to see what might be done for the injured man. The trail boss, Burke, tells his side of the story, but Matt smells a rat. Back in town the herd is taken to market, and the cowboys relax in the saloon. Kitty shares some secrets she learned that shed new light on the motive behind the shooting earlier. Matt recognizes the factions at work in the cowboys, and plays one against the other. Trusting that there’s no honor among thieves, Matt lets the cowboys carry out their own justice. A final secret is revealed about the rancher who owns the herd, and his son. Note: A popular show of the day was one titled, “Bringing Up Father.” Something of a program like Father Knows Best, where the dad is refined by the efforts of his family. Today’s title is a take on that since the rebellious rancher’s son is trying to do the most damage that he can to his dad’s herd. Why? Just listen in for the whole weird, dysfunctional story.

 Phil Harris – Phil, the Dramatic actor. ep171, 510311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:28

After visiting the studio to see why he hasn’t starred in another movie, Phil continues pursuing a serious role. Alice and Willie listen to his woes at his method acting style. In the studio, Frankie and the band get in their jokes at Phil’s expense. Will the guys be able to play the kind of dramatic music Phil needs to improve his image? Alice sings, It’s A Lovely Day Today. Going to visit the writers of the show, Phil is impressed with the mansion. how does Frankie know where Mr Singer lives? Will Phil be able to get better lines on the show? Who is the real boss on the show, Phil or his writer? Not getting anywhere, Phil and Frankie decide to ad lib the show. They decide to re-write All About Eve, giving it an all male cast. Phil issues the parts, taking the role Bette Davis played, and the production of All About Clyde begins. Veteran actor, Phil, recounts his many awards. The aging actor is paranoid, and blames his writers. Rising star, Frankie idolizes Phil. Julius helps with parts, and moving the play along. Soon Frankie is given a break and horns in on Phil. Where will this go, once Frankie becomes the aging star?

 The Avenger – The Eyes of Shiva. ep4, 450629 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Extortionists demand payment. Will the answer be in swiping famous jewels for a big payoff? Hot rubies are usually not marketable, but the seven armed statue of the goddess has a home with a mystery client. At the upscale party, the special occasion where the rubies are traditionally worn, of Course, Hollis is denied cash from his aunt to pay his debts. As she locks them into the safe for the evening, she has a premonition that she’ll never wear the Eyes of Sheba, ever again. Is it only because of theft, or will murder enter the picture? A week has gone by, and the press is putting the heat on the cops for not solving the crime. What can Jim Brandon, and his secretary Fern do to help? Tailing the suspects, Fern thinks that Hollis can’t be guilty. She and Jim describe the events at the country club as they watch. When Hollis turns up strangled, the case seems to be set back. Jim is sure he knows who the killer is, all he has to do is find him again. Was the stolen jewels hidden in golf balls that were sliced into the rough on the golf course? A trap is set for Croft, but he may be too smart for Fern’s ruse. It takes the Avenger’s invisibility power to get the drop on the killer before he can do worse. I’n the hands of the cops, all the mystery is explained.

 Jack Benny – Mr Benny Goes To Washington. ep365, 400310 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:27

For a change, as is his usual custom, Jack introduces Don in honor of his 17 years in broadcasting. Fat jokes pepper the sentiments. Phil Harris and Mary Livingstone enter to honor Don, and Mary reads a poem for the occasion. The ever compliant Dennis Day enters and sings, Some Day You’ll Find Your Bluebird. The play is introduced, based on the hit film Mr Smith Goes to Washington. Before it begins, Jack is scoffed over not winning an Academy Award. Parts are assigned, and a phone call from Rochester adds to the delays. Carmichael the polar bear has been acting up, and Rochester has trouble figuring his income tax. Phil Harris plays, Something or Other. Frank Nelson helps to describe the scene as the local Waukegan boy does good, and sets out for Washington. Will Mr Benny find answers in the senate? Don’s speech is a motivational pitch for the sponsor. With Dennis as president, bills pass through the senate floor, but will anything new be passed? Or is all that gavel pounding just Dennis cracking nuts? Will senator Benny have his shining moment to deliver his speech? amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "jack Benny on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "0517092131,087000347X,1617090220,1593931018"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Richard Diamond – The Bogus Bills Case. ep25, 491015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

On the street, Richard talks with the newsboy about the woes of being a private detective. When Jeff springs for a treat at the malt shop, his bill is found to be a phony five spot. He gets his big chance to keep an eye out for the guy who he made change, while Richard reports the counterfeit to the cops. Why does Walt think that every time Richard shows up, there’s a body involved? Walt Levinson knows about the bogus bills, but its outside his department as a homicide cop. Jeff phones in a tip, and Diamond is hot on the trail. His shakedown goes wrong, and Walker hits the streets on the run. The trail gets dangerous when Richard faces the business end of a pistol. Fast thinking, and quick action turn the table. Will Walt get that body that he teased Richard about? It turns out that Walker was the only known link the cops had to the counterfeit ring, but can Richard help find the operation? Jeff, while manning his station in the ice cream parlor, may be able to pick up on the gang, if he lives long enough to tell anybody. Richard has to retrace his steps, and danger is renewed when he’s back in the bar where he first encountered Walker. Guns blaze, fists fly, and Jeff gets to tag along with Richard on a hot date with his favorite red head.

 Lum and Abner – Phinus Calls From Mena. 440524 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Lizabeth has finally learned of Abner’s poppa coming to visit, and is recovering from the shock by getting his room ready. In the store, the gents discuss the arrival. Mose has phoned to warn Abner to keep his poppa away from his barber shop. Even US Quincey has a problem with the expected visitor. The cantankerous old gent has yet to arrive, and Lum wonders if he got lost somewhere, or got into an argument that delayed him. The phone keeps ringing, but it goes unanswered. Abner has had enough of people telling him to keep his poppa away from them. Lum finally answers, but Abner gets confused over what it means to reverse the charges. Does he need to back up to the phone? The long distance call is hard for Abner to understand, and Lum doesn’t do much better. All they know is that Phinus is mad over something. Will they figure out where to go to pick him up?

 Nick Carter – Flying Duck Murders. ep26, 431004 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

When other investigators have been driven away, it’s time to get Nick Carter on the job. Things get interesting pretty quick, as he mobilizes his team. Stubby and Patsy keep watch, as Nick thrusts himself into checking out the mining operation. Special lead lined caskets are brought in to handle the bodies from the previously killed detectives. Hey, what’s the third one for? Stubby needs to be careful, or it might be for him. Nick suspects there’s more to the caskets, and hides out in one to go for a ride. The crooks think they’re in the clear, until Nick makes his move. Has he thought of everything, or will Nick have the tables turned on him? Help comes from an unexpected direction. Has Nick finally blown the lid off the mystery at the Flying Duck Mine?


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