Richard Diamond – The Bogus Bills Case. ep25, 491015

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On the street, Richard talks with the newsboy about the woes of being a private detective. When Jeff springs for a treat at the malt shop, his bill is found to be a phony five spot. He gets his big chance to keep an eye out for the guy who he made change, while Richard reports the counterfeit to the cops. <br> Why does Walt think that every time Richard shows up, there’s a body involved? Walt Levinson knows about the bogus bills, but its outside his department as a homicide cop. Jeff phones in a tip, and Diamond is hot on the trail. His shakedown goes wrong, and Walker hits the streets on the run. <br> The trail gets dangerous when Richard faces the business end of a pistol. Fast thinking, and quick action turn the table. Will Walt get that body that he teased Richard about? It turns out that Walker was the only known link the cops had to the counterfeit ring, but can Richard help find the operation? <br> Jeff, while manning his station in the ice cream parlor, may be able to pick up on the gang, if he lives long enough to tell anybody. Richard has to retrace his steps, and danger is renewed when he’s back in the bar where he first encountered Walker. Guns blaze, fists fly, and Jeff gets to tag along with Richard on a hot date with his favorite red head. <br> <br>