The Avenger – The Eyes of Shiva. ep4, 450629

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Extortionists demand payment. Will the answer be in swiping famous jewels for a big payoff? Hot rubies are usually not marketable, but the seven armed statue of the goddess has a home with a mystery client. <br> At the upscale party, the special occasion where the rubies are traditionally worn, of Course, Hollis is denied cash from his aunt to pay his debts. As she locks them into the safe for the evening, she has a premonition that she’ll never wear the Eyes of Sheba, ever again. Is it only because of theft, or will murder enter the picture? <br> A week has gone by, and the press is putting the heat on the cops for not solving the crime. What can Jim Brandon, and his secretary Fern do to help? <br> Tailing the suspects, Fern thinks that Hollis can’t be guilty. She and Jim describe the events at the country club as they watch. When Hollis turns up strangled, the case seems to be set back. Jim is sure he knows who the killer is, all he has to do is find him again. Was the stolen jewels hidden in golf balls that were sliced into the rough on the golf course? <br> A trap is set for Croft, but he may be too smart for Fern’s ruse. It takes the Avenger’s invisibility power to get the drop on the killer before he can do worse. I’n the hands of the cops, all the mystery is explained. <br>