Dad’s Army – The Enemy Within the Gates. ep104, 740218 (retro621)

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As the RAF fights in the skies, on the ground it’s a red letter day for the Home Guard. With shortages of gear, troops have to swap off who gets to carry the rifle, and who carries the water bottle. The same kind of luck holds true when it comes to uniforms. Not enough to go around, and never the right sizes. What makes it a red letter day? At least they have clothes to wear.<br><br> An inspector visits, inquiring about weapons, but will Captain Mannering recognize the thick German accent as belonging to a spy? The official is actually a Polish officer who tells about the bounty for German spies.<br><br> Night falls, and air raid sirens go off. Is that parachutist a friendly or a foe? Following orders, they wait for him to expose himself… wait… that didn’t sound quite right. How will the Home Guard handle taking their prisoner captive? Will it look bad if the prisoner escapes? There could still be a way of turning over two prisoners for the price of one. <br> Bonus Tracks<br> <br> * Keith gives a short history of the Home Guard in World War 2, and their real life mission, and shortages in equipment.<br> * Also Keith gives an answer regarding why the web site security padlock is unlocked.<br> * Want to help to lock it? <a href="">Send us money on PayPal.</a> Safe, secure, and you can change the amount once you get there, or make it a recurring payment.<br> * Vera Lyn 1940 Nightinggales Sang in Barclay Square.<br> * <a href="">Download without the introduction.</a><br> <br> <br>