Lum and Abner – Phinus Calls From Mena. 440524

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Lizabeth has finally learned of Abner’s poppa coming to visit, and is recovering from the shock by getting his room ready. In the store, the gents discuss the arrival. Mose has phoned to warn Abner to keep his poppa away from his barber shop. Even US Quincey has a problem with the expected visitor. <br> The cantankerous old gent has yet to arrive, and Lum wonders if he got lost somewhere, or got into an argument that delayed him. The phone keeps ringing, but it goes unanswered. Abner has had enough of people telling him to keep his poppa away from them. <br> Lum finally answers, but Abner gets confused over what it means to reverse the charges. Does he need to back up to the phone? The long distance call is hard for Abner to understand, and Lum doesn’t do much better. All they know is that Phinus is mad over something. Will they figure out where to go to pick him up? <br> <br>