Our Miss Brooks – Tex Barton, Basketball Star. ep122, 510311

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On the way to school Walter discusses the recent basketball games with Clay City. Do they actually have a chance to win with the transfer of Tex Barton to Madison high? The good natured, drawling student thinks at first that Connie is Walter’s mom. Then he invites himself for dinner with the English teacher. Harriet seems smitten at first sight of the tall Texan. How will Mr Conklin receive the new student? <br> Conklin isn’t keen on the new student. What has him so stressed out over the sports losses to Clay City? Doesn’t he realize that Tex is a top scoring athlete on the court? <br> Before long Connie has yet another man horning in on having dinner with her. Boynton wants to check out the new potential basketball star too. In a candid moment, Tex reveals that he actually isn’t the basketball star everyone thinks he is. <br> Gifts are showered on Tex, and the matter of a passed along box of French chocolates makes an interesting, and dangerous round. . But is it as interesting and hazardous as revealing the mix up over Tex? <br> <br>