Lum and Abner – Lizabeth Finds Out. 440523

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Though his father has yet to arrive, Abner frets over having to let his wife know. Today we find him talking with grandpap about a weight lifter in the clean and jerk competition. What is that anyway? Abner tries to compose a letter to his wife to break the news about his poppa coming, but grandpap keeps interrupting with facts about the weight lifter. <br> The old gent wonders why Abner bothers with a letter, when he could just phone home. He also goes on about how he hates and dispises it when people interrupt, or read out loud crazy, unrelated facts. <br> Forcing the issue, grandpap rings Lizabeth, and puts Abner on the spot with his wife. False starts abound as he works up courage to break the news of his poppa coming to town. Won’t grandpap bail him out? Will Abner’s agony ever end? <br> Notable quote: Well I’ll be a monkeys knock kneed uncle. (Grandpap)<br> <br>