Sherlock Holmes – Case of the Iron Box. ep196, 451231

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Reliving another New Years eve, Watson tells about the one in 1899. On a train, and with several hours of travel ahead of them, Holmes hears the word on the latest mystery from Watson. A matter of an inheritance being passed on at the 21st birthday. How does a leap year figure to complicate the matter? Arriving at the castle, our sleuths are greeted warmly. <br> The midnight ceremony means opening the iron box, and will officially announce a wedding engagement. Preparations are made, all the players in place, and excitement runs high. Holmes explains why 1900 is not a leap year, and Watson tells that the new century doesn’t actually begin until 1901. <br> Disappointment falls on the young folks. Can Sherlock bring any resolution? As Watson tries his best to cheer up the young couple, a murder kicks up the stakes, and Holmes is in pursuit of a killer. Who pushed grandfather out the window, into the moat?<br>