Whistler – , 421227 Double-Cross. ep33, 421227

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Joe is a man who has fallen on hard times, and recently released from prison, he helps his brother Steve. While Steve works, Joe watches Timmy, and tells him about Santa coming. But how will such a fat man get down a chimney, when they don’t even have a fireplace? Steve is a cop, and questions Joe about where he has been. There has been a robbery, and the captain puts the pressure on Steve to be sure his brother is clean. It could mean Steve’s job if he’s caught covering up for Joe. <br> Without being able to explain circumstances, Joe goes to jail for two years, and Steve is out of a job. When Joe is released, he finds himself in a good situation, but Steve is found living in a dilapidated side of town, Timmy has had an accident, and not able to walk. Can Joe make amends with his brother? Can he explain to Steve about the night of that robbery? What will happen when some of Joe’s old gang members catch up to him, and demand his help in another safecracking job? <br> To win the reward money, a dangerous plan for Joe is set, and he finds himself as a fugitive. Has he lost his high class girlfriend? Will he sacrifice himself so Steve can be put back on the police force? Reward money goes to Steve to help Timmy, but being a good cop, Steve smells a rat. When a double cross is exposed, the betrayal may right a lot of wrongs. But will the Whistler hold yet a final twist to make a Merry Christmas story all the merrier? <br> Note: Though uncredited, the voice of Steve Bradley sounds like it’s Gerald Moore. <br>