Jack Benny – Leaving For Yosemite. ep360, 400204

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Rolling the clock back to the end of last week’s benefit for the March of Dimes, Jack and the cast share some behind the scenes moments. They critique their jokes, as they keep up the gags for this week. Phil reveals his new joke writer as, Bellylaugh Barton. Jack reveals their next trip starts in the morning, a ski trip to Yosemite. Always the coach, Jack advises on what kind of clothes and gear to buy. Mary resists the early rise time, then Dennis Day sings, It’s A Blue World Without You. <br> In the morning, Mary Livingston is far from sharing Jack’s enthusiasm. Even the sales clerk is less than helpful as Jack outfits himself. The rest of the cast pop in to round out their gear, but only Phil seems to be hep with the salesman’s jive. Phil plays some jazzy traveling music. <br> Snuggled under blankets, Mary’s dark mood keeps the bite in the chilly ride for the cast in Jack’s car. Rochester’s comments confirm the broken down state of the Maxwell. Only Don is able to nap, and mumbles a commercial in his sleep. <br> Phil Harris zooms past, but with night falling, its time to pull off at a motor court. The rooms are full, and the cold, hungry, cast push on through the night. With only Jack’s enthusiasm and cheer to keep them going. Stay tuned to see how they hold up… next week. <br> <br>